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This Disk Drive GAME OF THRONES Theme Song Is Dark and Full of Read Errors

Some people can create entire worlds with a paintbrush. Others can release the beauty hiding within blocks of clay. Pen and paper can become epic in illustration or written word and piles of scrap metal can become modern art. It’s truly amazing when someone can look at something ordinary, something that would otherwise be obsolete junk, and see the extraordinary possibilities within. That’s why this epic Game of Thrones theme reproduced with disk drives absolutely blows our minds.

This delightfully retro-tech floppy disk drive tune was brought to our attention from a recent post on Gizmodo and was created by YouTube’s PaweÅ‚ Zadrożniak. The bevy of electronic instruments all working together in musical harmony goes by the name “The Floppotron” and has already given us versions of various Star Wars songs, “Smells like Teen Spirit” and the theme song to Hawaii Five-O.

It’s hard enough for us to wrap our heads around videos that use only a few drives to accomplish low-tech versions of songs, so you can imagine seeing dozens of drives and what appear to be gutted scanners playing the GoT theme so beautifully pretty much melts our brains. Should you be so inclined to know the magic behind such a cool use of otherwise obsolete tech, PaweÅ‚ goes into some extensive detail on how the Floppotron was constructed and the interesting ways in how it works on his website.

What do you think of this rendition of the GoT theme? What songs would you like to hear next? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Featured Image: Paweł Zadrożniak/YouTube

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