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Things Get Fun and Real in Two New AGENT CARTER Clips

It may feel like it only just began in January – because it did – but in the next two weeks we are going to wrap-up the first season of Marvel’s Agent Carter. Over the course of the season, we’ve watched Peggy do everything she can to prove her friend, Howard Stark, was framed for treason while also working to establish her place at the S.S.R.. For a moment, it seemed things were going swell, especially after a trip to Russia where she got to prove she’s capable of handling herself in the field just as well as the men of the organization… but then everything went to hell.

In the most recent episode, the S.S.R. finally put the dots together and did what we always feared: they arrested Peggy for aiding Stark over the last couple of months. However, that was only the beginning of her troubles, as this interrogation scene from Tuesday’s episode makes clear:

In addition, we also have a clip that pits Peggy and Jarvis in the same room. Somehow, the trusted Stark butler found himself in the custody of the S.S.R. as well, and as such, the dynamic duo must work together to free themselves from their predicament:

These two clips, when taken together, really do a great job at establishing the versatility of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When it needs to be funny, it is. When it needs to be serious, it is. There’s no right or wrong way to think about its tone because, in the end, the tone is always driven not by the world, but by the story. That’s what makes it great.

Marvel’s Agent Carter airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.

Which of these two new clips is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.

[H/T]- Variety

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