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These Spoiler-y GAME OF THRONES Photos from Meereen Got Us Thinking

This post is dark and full of Game of Thrones major, major book and TV spoilers, citizens of the HBO and George R.R. Martin realms of Ice and Fire. Don’t say you haven’t been warned, mmkay? (The title really should’ve tipped you off though, to be fair.)

But things seem to be progressing quite a bit for our fair Khaleesi, as Daenerys Targaryen’s storyline in season five continues to expand in interesting, divergent directions thanks to these latest images from the set. Compiled mostly by, the images show the continuation of earlier images from Daznak’s Pit in Meereen. And, hoo boy, do they reveal a lot for us to speculate on.

Now, previous images had already revealed to us that we’d be seeing more of Hizdahr zo Loraq (Joel Fry), the Ghiscari nobleman we met last season in the pyramids of Meereen. And well, now? It feels pretty safe to say that another huge deviation is afoot: Tyrion Lannister and Jorah Mormont won’t just be chilling on the outskirts of the city, but to the center of the action at Daznak’s Pit. And, yes, that seems to include the strategic wedding of Dany to Hizdahr.

It might also mean that we’ll see the return of Drogon, Dany’s most unruly dragon — and the only one not currently locked up under the city — with disastrous effect. Mostly because, if you look at the context clues, there are several Unsullied soldiers lying dead behind Dany as she runs into the pit — to say nothing of the utter chaos that has broken out in the audience, with folks seemingly fleeing in terror.

As it stands, these deviations feel less like an affront to the story itself — as so many fans have bemoaned — and more a distillation and simplification of the book story points for the sake of visual storytelling. Plus, it’s just plain easier to keep up with the same actors to which we’ve already been introduced. Sure, there are many rich characters and storylines we’re likely to miss, but the action can still progress in other ways.

Just look at the deviations with Jaime’s storyline heading to Dorne, likely taking the place of Ser Arys Oakheart (minus all that death stuff). And sure, there may be no Arianne Martell — something that surely does stink, to be sure — but if her plotline was given to, say, Ellaria Sand instead, it would likely be just as effective. She has plenty of reasons to want to take down the Lannisters, after all (R.I.P. Oberyn! We will never not miss you.) Plus Ellaria is no shrinking violet and will still give us the strong, female character with motivations that fall enough in line with Arianne’s modus operandi in the series to make the upcoming Myrcella business work.

So, what do you think of these latest developments in season five’s continued deviations, Thrones fans? Let’s hear your thoughts and theories in the comments!

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)





  1. Savannah James says:

    This makes me hate life. What a let down 🙁

  2. Old Timey Robber says:

    I guess it all depends on whether all these scenes are for early on in the season or toward the end. 
    I don’t mind Tyrion and Jorah being in Meereen ahead of their book counterparts. I shudder at the thought of watching Tyrion joining Penny’s act and I’m hoping this means that whole ordeal has been cut. Does this mean there is no Quentin? Who takes Strong Belwas’ place in that certain scene? Jorah? That would be interesting.
    I’m so-so about the Dorne storylines in the books. I get that they are politically important, but given what happened to Quentin and the show’s lack of an Arianne, those storylines were mainly dead ends, anyway, right? 
    I hope Jaime carries out the journey he takes in the books, preferably after being in Dorne. It contributes a lot to his character arc–his ignoring of Cersei’s pleas, dealing with unruly Freys, the unwillingness to harm Cat’s kin, etc. 
    Mostly, I’m so excited for the new season that if it weren’t for The Walking Dead being back on, I would hibernate til spring.