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These Pop Culture Vehicles Are Ready to Take on the World of MAD MAX

In the world of Mad Max, survival is everything. Whether trying to live through Thunderdome or travel across the Fury Road, one has to be ready for anything. One artist has shown what some of our favorite films and TV shows would do to make it through this dystopia.

Reported by Laughing Squid, artist Scott Park has re-created famous vehicles as if they were set in the world of Mr. Rockatansky. Scott created this series in answer to Planet-Pulp’s monthly illustration challenge. Let’s take a look as some of these awesome redesigns.

Arrested Development

Here’s the Bluth stair car from Arrested Development. While probably not great in terms of speed, the turret on top of the staircase is not only the obvious choice but definitely gives the driver an edge against any attempt at a surprise attack.


Even though I am sure Batman already has a “doomsday scenario” Batmobile created and ready to go at a moment’s notice, this redesign of the 1966 TV series version looks pretty cool. I can hear it now:”Holy DOOF WARRIOR, Batman!!”


Let’s be honest. If there were EVER a car that needed to be ready for the possibility of a post-apocalyptic future, it’d definitely be this one.

You can check out the rest of Scott’s awesome vehicles in the gallery below, and can see more of his art on his Tumblr page here.

So what do you think? Which of these vehicles would YOU choose to live life on the run? Let me know on Twitter or rev your engines into the comments below.

Images: Scott Park


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