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These GAME OF THRONES Toys Need to Shut Up and Take Our Money

Alright, alright, alright, we get it, Game of Thrones: you’re basically going to rob us of all our free time and money at San Diego Comic-Con this year. Because HBO is teaming up with the amazing Todd McFarlane to debut some realistic-as-hell construction sets and character figurines based on The Known Realm. Ahhhh!

According to EW, this is only the first of many sets to come, so start saving up those dollar-dollar bills now. In their initial partnership, McFarlane Toys has debuted an Iron Throne Room, complete with a bevy of knights and Lannister guardsmen protecting the worst king the Realm has ever seen (we know, it’s highly debatable), Joffrey Baratheon. The whole set itself pretty badass, especially when you look at the detail on the Throne and the room’s setting itself.

Our personal favorite part of this set is, of course, Tyrion Lannister. And word on the street is that the upcoming playsets will include Daenerys Targaryen, Grey Worm, another more nondescript Unsullied, and Rhaegal in a Mother of Dragons-themed set, as well as Jon Snow, Ghost, a Crow, Wildling, and Wight in an Attack on The Wall-themed iteration. According to EW, the scene-specific characters and accessories and retails from $14.99 to $49.99.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it to SDCC, though: the sets will be released into stores this fall. Now go oogle all their gloriousness in the gallery below!

What would your dream Thrones playset look like? Let us know in the comments.

HT: Entertainment Weekly

Alicia Lutes is the Associate Editor of The Nerdist. She, like Jon Snow, knows nothing. Remind her of this on Twitter @alicialutes.


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