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These Classic Horror Movie Posters Have Been Given the 8-bit Treatment

These Classic Horror Movie Posters Have Been Given the 8-bit Treatment

Horror movies and video games are both quintessentially 80s, yet it seems like there was little crossover between the two in their day, or at least not as much visually as we’d like. Artist Jesus Rivera is bridging that gap, however, with his series of 8-bit-style movie posters of classic horror movies, and it’s beautiful.

He’s been sharing works from the ongoing series on Instagram over the past few weeks, and just in time for Halloween, he’s built up quite the artistic collection. So far, he’s tackled classics like The Evil Dead and Dawn of the Dead, as well as more obscure offerings like House, Cannibal Holocaust, and others.

A photo posted by Demonbabies (@demonbabies) on

A photo posted by Demonbabies (@demonbabies) on

A photo posted by Demonbabies (@demonbabies) on

He’s even given a couple the full video treatment, which makes us really want to play these games that sadly don’t exist.

A video posted by Demonbabies (@demonbabies) on

A video posted by Demonbabies (@demonbabies) on

The 8-bit style seems such an appropriate match for the horror genre: It’s capable of dark and dramatic colors, the relative lack of detail can add a really creepy aura, and the minimalist 8-bit music can be creepy even when it isn’t trying to be. It’s a perfect match, really, and that’s why Rivera’s depictions of these (sometimes cult) classic movies strike such a spooky nerve.

Speaking of 8-bit adaptations, today feels appropriate to remember the excellent recreation of the first season of Stranger Things that was created a couple months ago. If you missed it the first time, it basically turned the Netflix instant classic into a fun-looking RPG, so check that out here, and find more of Rivera’s film posters on his Instagram.

Keep the scares a-rollin’!

Featured image: demonbabies

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