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There’s a Bill Murray Art Gallery Show Happening Because Life is Beautiful

If we didn’t have somewhere to be on August 8th, we’d be seriously considering hopping on a plane to head to San Francisco, California in order to witness the world’s greatest art exhibit (probably), The Murray Affair. That’s right: it’s an All-Bill-Murray, All-The-Time gallery art show. You guys, maybe heaven IS for real after all.

A walking, talking piece of modern-day mythic folklore, Murray gets the artistic treatment in order to remind the world just how wonderful and truly delightful this hero to whimsy is thanks to Ezra and Julia Croft, two heroes to the cause.

The best part? The show, taking place on the 8th of next month at San Francisco’s SF Public Works, is taking submissions. So it’s time to break out some of those doodles from your epic MurrayShrine, folks, because the art world is a-callin’. Time to get some of those wise Murray words interpreted through art out into the world, y’all.

And according to the Crofts, the event will feature “themed drinks, mini putt-putt golf, musical acts, performances, DJs, and all the hilarious Bill Murray antics one could hope for.” So, I mean, if you’re not sold now, you might never be.

We’ve even got a few of the submitted artworks in image form for you, below! How’s that for servicey, eh? Double click ’em to get the full picture.

Tickets can be purchased here.

So — who’s submitting and who’s attending? And who can buy all the Steve Zissou pieces on our behalf? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. Marianne says:

    I just LOVE Bill Murray & am glad to see that others love him as much as I do.  Time for an Oscar!!!

  2. Max says:

    Not cool. This show used images from our friends’ Bill Murray show at the R&R Gallery in Los Angeles last year to promote this event, without their permission. When contacted about it today, the organizer Ezra Croft was hostile and insulting (“We appreciate your input. Please f*ck off.”) to the two ladies who contacted him. Unscrupulous and unprofessional. Boycott this bullying dreck.

  3. Ezra Croft says:

    The show will be in San Francisco!

  4. msmaris says:

    Seattle, or San Fransisco??

  5. Allan Hosmer says:

    Why would you board a plane to Seattle if the event is in San Francisco?