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There Will Be A STAR TREK Musical If William Shatner Has His Way

Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the debut of the original Star Trek television series, and Captain Kirk is trying to organize an…unusual celebration, which could boldly go where the program has never gone before.

“I’m attempting to sell a 50th anniversary show, but so far I’ve had very little luck,” William Shatner told The Guardian. “Maybe because Paramount’s going to do their own – but I don’t know how they can do their own without me. I’ve never been contacted. I’ve been actively trying to do a 50th anniversary show… We had a big company say: ‘What about a musical or a music variety show?’ That got some traction – but nothing’s come of it yet.”

While on the surface this might sound like a terrifically awful idea, let’s step back and consider that Shatner has an unusual definition of music: Let us never forget Shatner’s timeless re-interpretion of Elton John’s “Rocket Man”. If he did that with a 5-minute song about a rocket, imagine what boundaries he could push with a 3,950-minute (79 episodes at 50 minutes each) television series about far more science fiction-inspired adventures.

Regardless, a Star Trek musical seems more like a pipe dream at this point, but a pipe dream that Shatner would really love to see happen. If this does end up going down, they should at least bring Will Ferrell on board to sing the theme song.

Let us know in the comments if you think Shatner’s idea holds water, or if it’s just too far out there for anybody to put their money where his mouth is.


HT: Uproxx

Featured image courtesy of NBC

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