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The Year-End Movie Clip Videos Arrive, or The Beginning Of The End


I seem to forget every year how many people like using their valuable time to meticulously piece together thousands of clips of video all for our enjoyment. Today I came across my first “Year End” video featuring nearly all of 2013’s films, although I think I caught a Bates Motel shot somewhere in there.

Regardless, as we wait for the various versions of this year’s year ends (try saying that 10 times fast) to clutter our blogs and in-boxes, I felt like Erik Kestner did a pretty snazzy job, considering there’s still quite a handful of films that have yet to be released.

Let the nostalgia rain down upon you! ‘Tis the season, right?

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  1. That Guy says:

    It’s a Disaster was a complete waste of talent. Pointless, mind-numbingly boring, and smug are a few of the ways I would describe this awful film. I cannot imagine why it was even made. But, if one likes to see useless characters sitting around a house talking, this movie might be right up your alley.

  2. Justin says:

    Glad to see It’s a Disaster on there… one of my favorite movies from this year