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Episode 5: The Wrestling Compadres…
Darren Young, Xavier Woods, …

The Wrestling Compadres Slamcast #5: Darren Young, Xavier Woods, Nigel McGuinness, Booker T

With the WWE Elimination Chamber approaching, the “Go Home” Compadres Slamcast is another power packed show! “No Days Off” Darren Young and Xavier Woods are the special guests. Plus Compadre Nigel McGuinness comes back in studio for his own segment, and we hear a very Swiss Fave Five from WWE Hall of Famer Booker T!! They’re also giving away a Google Chromecast next week, so go to iTunes, rate the show 5 stars, and write your most creative review!

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  1. Jesse says:

    Darren Young was not quite sure to keep Kayfabe or not.

  2. That’s a healthy review! I may have to listen now

  3. James Kennedy says:

    My Review: “The Wrestling Compadres”

    In a city full of ego maniacal, appearance driven, “me first” actors and entertainers, the crew and extended family at the LA-based podcast “Wrestling Compadres” are easily the funniest, most self-effacing, knowledgeable, down to earth entertainers in any Wrestling media outlet out there, and arguably (I’d argue it) the best hosts in any podcast across any genre. The amount of knowledge Jonny (Loquasto), Dale (Rutledge) and Charles “Nelson Reilly” (Rice) have about the wrestling (aka-“Sports Entertainment” for those suits that call it that) spans four decades, and as they add in their “sparkling” personalities and epic pop-culture references, this “Compadres” podcast (like their sister act, AfterBuzzTV aftershow) is a diamond in the large Internet rough, a fact that isn’t lost on their loyal fans, myself being one of them, who enjoy the hell out of it, and are thankful how accessible the guys are. The reality is, entertainment of this quality, like cream, rises to the top eventually, and the boys won’t be medium scale personalities for long.

    Speaking of personalities, who are the Compadres (noun meaning:
    A close friend or associate; a companion), and what do they bring to the table?

    Jonny- Mr. Loquasto, an entertainer that literally is a “Jack of all entertainment trades” is a stand-up comedian (whom you don’t want to be on the other end of a Roast battle against), an Internet Media host of an “aftershow” called WWE Raw Afterbuzz (where he’s joined by the superb Dale and a female cohort named Cathy Kelley, who has transcended stereotypical wrestling stigma[tism]s ), commercial actor (or at least auditioner) and by day a physical therapist. An admitted insomniac who names Jake Roberts as his all time fav, Jonny is as quick to a joke as he is to giving props to those in the industry who he feels it is deserved. Never one to raise his voice, he embodies Jake Roberts by commanding the attention of his audience by speaking softly (and carrying a big personality).

    Dale- Like his close real life friend Jonny, Dale brings a whole arsenal of skills (much like Liam Neeson does in virtually all his films) to the table. The “Vest for Business” eccentric co-host is comic relief (“He’s afraid he’s got some bad news!”) and a Wrasslin’ encyclopedia, who prides himself on everything from colorful hair, his aforementioned “no days off” and “never worn twice” signature vest collection, and his ability to fact-check all the fast moving information being bantered around, in his head, without the need of an Internet connection. He’s a walking IMDB-like wrestling database, who compliments Jonny’s uncanny ability to forget what he has watched just hours earlier.

    Charles- A Texas native, Mr. Rice has moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream and while he’s lost the ability to consume Southern barbecue cuisine, he has settled on the food “de jour” in LA, the “Tex Mex” array of consumptive options. Clearly unhappy with the way the now-Houston Rockets center Dwight Howard gets treated in Los Angeles, he is thrilled with his role on ‘Compadres’ as the enthusiastic, hardcore fan of everything wrestling, and his knowledge spans across all federations and circuits, large and small. A fellow “30 Rock” lover (and possibly owning a fellow “secret older woman crush” on Tina Fey), he is a perfect “everyman” foil to Jonny and Dale’s LA ways. Interactive beyond belief on social media, this cat is part of this spectacular threesome, and humble and grateful for it.

    And the guests! This “ain’t no rinky dink” operation here, as their interview guests are some of wrestling’s biggest known personalities and performers in the world. WWE superstars, who for decades were not allowed by Mr. McMahon to break Kayfabe or give ANY non-worked press interviews, are omnipresent on “Compadres.” Hall of Famer Booker T, the 5-time (5 time, 5 time) World Heavyweight Champion weighs in weekly with his “Fab 5,” and top roster talent (like this week’s guests, the artist formerly known as Consequences Creed, Xavier Woods, and “no days off” Darren Young were in studio and you wouldn’t have known that the Compadres aren’t best friends with these guys, as they immediately disarmed the guests of any worry and the interviews were smooth and informative, in a way I don’t think any other wrestling “journalists” out there are able to elicit.

    With contests, big-named guests, a wonderful extended family (the surreal voice and personality of Nigel McGuiness, and the sharp as a tack sound engineer Jake Lloyd, who may be quicker to a soundbite than Fred Norris), and the insanely wonderful multi-talented hosts who are NEVER off their game, and never overbearing or attention hogging, like the majority of Wrasslin’ hosts and talent, “Compadres” won’t be a diamond in the rough for long.

    Pretty soon they’re going to be the biggest gem seen in any landscape; Make sure you start listening now, to say you were there at the start, so you don’t miss a moment of the best entertainment on the web, wrestling-themed or otherwise. So while the WWE seems to do “what’s best for business,” we’re lucky we have “Compadres” there, willing to do whats best for us.

    Rating 5/5, and then some

  4. LordOfSmore says:

    You know, when I saw nerdist was a wrestling centered podcast my first thought was “Why?” This doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the nerdist lineup. However they show you can be a nerd when it comes to anything. From wrestling to cooking to even sportball. Everyone is a nerd in their own special way. Good job guys! Keep up the good work.

  5. Wade Barrett says:

    This is a coulorful commentary on the Labour Party and doubleya doubleya eeeeeeh wrestling. BUT IM AFRAID IVE GOT SOME BAD NEWS: It appears that you Mr Low Quast Oh, have committed the crime of “sort of paraphrasing here what one of your fans wrote to you on twitter ” It appears that the honorable Sir James Kennedy tweeted “I’ll say [Cesaro/Cena] was the best #raw match in years.” You just said almost the same thing. Sir James will by trying you in the court of public opinion.
    Now if you’ll just give the honorable Mr. Kennedy the aforementioned (by you) contest prize, he will drop the suit.

    Thank You!

  6. The sad truth of Regal is he was able to walk down in front of that video because he was stoned out of his mind. Those were not his best days.