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The World’s Finest Kids Take On DC’s Biggest Baddie In SUPER SONS #2 (Exclusive Preview)

The World’s Finest Kids Take On DC’s Biggest Baddie In SUPER SONS #2 (Exclusive Preview)

One of the highlights of the DC Rebirth era has been the Superman family, with the return of a married Clark Kent and Lois Lane and the introduction of their son Jonathan Kent, the new Superboy, to the DC Universe. Writers Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason have been doing an amazing job with developing the character of Jon Kent in the pages of Superman, but now the new Kid of Steel has spun off into a comic of his very own.

Well, almost his very own–he shares it with Robin, aka Damian Wayne, the son of Batman. And while the adult “World’s Finest” super team has eventually learned to get along (mostly), their kids are just beginning to learn how to work side by side. And Robin is very certain that he’s the one who should be in charge.

Despite his emerging powers, Jon Kent is the nice kid next door, who inherited his moral compass from his legendary parents. Meanwhile, Damian Wayne’s mom and grandfather are among the world’s greatest super villains, and he was raised to believe he was the greatest thing on Earth. If you thought their dads were like oil and water, so far they’ve got nothing on the Super Sons! And now they’ve run afoul of Lex Luthor on top of everything? At least one of these boys is going getting grounded before this adventure is over.

You can check out our exclusive preview of the first five pages of Super Son #2  in our gallery below!

Publisher: DC Comics

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artist: Jorge Jimenez
Cover Artists: Jorge Jimenez, Dustin Nguyen (Variant)

Here’s the official synopsis:

“When I Grow Up” part two! Robin and Superboy—in the clutches of Lex Luthor! The boys are in big trouble! How exactly are they supposed to explain what’s happened to Superman and Batman? Plus, Kid Amazo’s power grows, and this tyrant in the making is about to make life miserable for the Super Sons!”

Super Sons #2 is due to hit stores on Wednesday, March 15.

Are you looking forward to seeing the formation of a new World’s Finest duo? Let us know what you think down below in the comments.

Images: DC Comics


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