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The White Walkers’ Secret Weapon: Tim From Accounting

With a workforce as massive as the White Walkers army from Game of Thrones, there’d have to have a good support structure behind it. Benefits, transportation, weapons inventory, and expense reports have got to be extremely confusing when your staff consists of pretty much everyone who has ever died north of the wall. So far, not having seen this part of White Walker Incorpse-orated always bothered us a bit, so we’re glad YouTube’s GREGandLOU introduced us to Tim, the White Walkers’ accountant.

The video consists of “Tim” (played by the comedy duo’s Greg Burke) crunching some of the numbers of the battle at Hardhome between cuts of real Game of Thrones footage. He’s clearly a pragmatist when it comes to his job and pretty much has to be the voice of reason, considering the way the Night’s King irresponsibly uses his staff. It’s also made clear that Tim is pretty much the Dwight Schrute of the White Walker office, since it’s apparent he’s regularly picked on by the others. Tim was also present when the Three-Eyed Raven met his end which caused him to reflect on his and the rest of his co-workers actions. Someone had to point out that “everyone thinks we’re assholes,” after they had killed all the Children of the Forest, sliced the Three-Eyed Raven in half, and started chasing a mentally handicapped guy (Hodor) and a physically handicapped kid (Bran).

If they keep ignoring Tim’s concerns, I’m sure we’ll see at least one White Walker fighting for Jon Snow in the coming seasons. Or at least doing Winterfell’s taxes.

What other office workers of the White Walkers would you like to see? HR? Janitorial? Let’s discuss in the comments below!


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