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THE WALKING DEAD’s Emily Kinney Battles THE FLASH in a Preview of the Season’s Final Six Episodes!

Has there ever been a more apt metaphor for a TV show than The Flash‘s streak of yellow lighting? For like an electrical charge to our system, the rookie CW show has rapidly seized hold of fans’ hearts, as they’ve watched Barry Allen battle all manner of metahuman menace. Captain Cold, Heat Wave, the Reverse-Flash, the Trickster, the Pied Piper, and the Weather Wizard are just a few of the many rogues who have tangled with our favorite speedster, who’s found allies in the Arrow and Firestorm. But if the sizzle reel that debuted at this weekend’s WonderCon in Anaheim is any indication, Barry’s biggest challenges lie ahead. In the season’s final six episodes, Barry teams up with his newfound friends as well as newcomer Ray Palmer, a.k.a. the Atom, and goes head to head with Dr. Harrison Wells, who he now knows is actually his archenemy Eobard Thawne.

Yes, that is indeed The Walking Dead‘s Emily Kinney as Central City’s next malevolent meta-human Brie Larvan (better known as the Bug-Eyed Bandit). And holy cow, did we just see Barry make out with Caitlyn?! We also get a glimpse of some returning revenge-minded Flash foes in the Mist, the Weather Wizard, and the Rainbow Raider, as well as a look at who’s assisting Barry from Starling City’s Team Arrow as he prepares for the fight of his life against the man who murdered his mother. All this and a super-intelligent gorilla who goes by the name of… Grodd.

The Flash returns to the CW next Tuesday, April 14th, in the tantalizingly titled “All Star Team Up”, directed by G.I. Joe: Retaliation helmer Kevin Tancharoen.

What do you think of the above preview? And where do you think this season of The Flash is heading? Let us know below!

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