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THE WALKING DEAD: MICHONNE Finale Scores Release Date

Note: The trailer at the top of the page includes huge spoilers for The Walking Dead: Michonne episode 2 “Give No Shelter.” Watch at your own risk.

A couple of weeks ago, the second episode of the three-part The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series released digitally. Like the previous episode, it ended with a crazy cliffhanger that’s been on our minds (and probably yours) since we put the game down. With hype for the final episode at an all time high, we have some great news! The folks at Telltale just released brand new screenshots, and revealed that the finale will be debuting on Tuesday, April 26 on PC/Mac, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Android. and iOS.

In “What We Deserve” we’ll see Michonne trying to protect an innocent family while she deals with the recent and long-term choices she’s made. On top of that, Norma and the vengeful Monroe group are “closing in.” How she handles it, who lives, and who dies is completely up to you.

For those who aren’t in the loop, the game stars Samira Wiley (Orange is the New Black) as The Walking Dead‘s machete-wielding badass, Michonne–who appears in both the show and the comic book series it’s based on. The short series gives fans a look at why she was taken away from Rick, Carl, and the rest of the crew.

Of course, as indicated at the top, the developer released another spoiler-filled trailer for the previous episode. It details some of the big choices players made during their own adventures. While some choices scored the majority of the vote, there are some later on that had fans evenly split. Of course, considering the trailer contains MASSIVE spoilers for episode 2, it’s best not to watch it if you haven’t played the episode.

For a closer look at the upcoming episode, check out the gallery of images below!

Images: Telltale Games

And if you want to talk about that Walking Dead finale cliffhanger, check out the video below:


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