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THE WALKING DEAD Gets The Bad Lip Reading Yet Again

Just when I thought that YouTube’s Bad Lip Reading had reached the apex of its artform with the Carl Poppa rap from the most recent The Walking Dead edition, they outdo themselves again with a brand new slice of zombie-filled madness and misunderstanding. Though Carl doesn’t spit hot fire in this episode, he does get awfully sassy with Rick. That being said, we do get some awfully soulful crooning courtesy of Tyreese. Plus, we find out that all the Governor ever really wanted was a freshly made smoothie. Honestly, I’d expect the joke to get a little tired by this point, but somehow they just keep getting better and better. Now can someone call the Glue Police already? Because I can’t pry my eyes away from this overdubbed awesomeness.

What else would you like to see get the Bad Lip Reading treatment? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: AMC

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  1. Aundria says:

    I wish they would do more, from other seasons! 

  2. Chandler says:

    So not funny except for Carl papa

  3. Kell says:

    Supernatural  There’s 10 Seasons So It Would Be Pretty Easy To Find Something Funny

  4. Elizabeth Cates says:

    Breaking Bad

  5. Rick says:

    POINTS!!!!! i love this..

  6. Dellinger says:


  7. CrowleyOwens says:


  8. lunacatd says:
