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The Ultimate STAR WARS: EPISODE 7 Darth Vader Theory!

Less than 3 months away, let the countdown begin! There are only 87 days until Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens hits theaters, and the rumors and theories ain’t gonna stop swirling around the nerd-o-sphere anytime soon. One of the latest theories comes from our friends at io9, where writer Germain Lussier takes a few swings at predicting what Kylo Ren‘s obsession with Darth Vader may mean for the plot of the upcoming J.J. Abrams-directed film. We thought we had mined all of the information we could from the toys released earlier this month, but there’s one small detail from a speaking Kylo Ren toy that supports Lussier’s big theory. If you’re attempting to avoid plot details, we are warning you now, if his theory is correct, today’s episode may contain big spoilers! Watch at your own risk.

Join Jessica Chobot as we discuss the new fan theory, and our own little theory about the possible meta-narrative of Star Wars Episode VII, on today’s Nerdist News!

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Check out all of our Star Wars coverage on, and let us know in the comments if you think these Star Wars theories hold any water, or if you have any theories of your own!

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