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Episode 84: The Todd Glass Show
Almost Dr. Kevin Sousa
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #84: Almost Dr. Kevin Sousa

It’s a special bonus episode! With Todd, Daniel and special guest Almost Dr. Kevin Sousa!

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  1. AMN says:

    Hey Anthony. Don’t worry, Todd was definitely kidding. It was one of those quick things where he plays a part, especially after an email. Like the “gross” or “weirdo” comments he throws out when someone writes him a heartfelt letter. Anyway, great show full of good points as always. Please have Dr. — oops, I mean Almost Doctor — Kevin on again!

  2. anthony pickett says:

    Can someone help me here…..when Todd said he didn’t like mixed race relationships was he playing a part or was that forreal? They skipped past it so quick I missed what was going on as I was walking into work. I want to assume it was a part he was playing because of the email but I’m not sure. Be

  3. Drew says:

    1 – You must be 17 to by a violent video game, so don’t by them for your kids.

    2 – The average age of a gamer is 30 so many of the games are not made for kids they are made for adults.

    3 – A game costs $60, parents must give kids money to by it.

    I don’t like people complaining about violence in video games when you can turn on the news and see that the government is killing people over seas. Or when 33 states have the death penalty.
    I think real violence in war not to mention the violence of sports is much more of a problem then fake violence in games.

  4. Nick DePrimo says:

    I’d love to hear Todd’s thoughts on the most recent Nerdist podcast (Anthony Jeselnik, #305) regarding choice of topics/words in comedy. It’s a very audience-dependent issue, and like (Almost) Dr. Kevin speaks about, culture doesn’t change overnight.

  5. Robb says:

    I just want to say I completely agree with you on words that shouldn’t be said and I won’t say them because who should? I gave up on Adam Carolla’s show a few years ago though. I was maybe…14 when he was in my head during Loveline, but as the show progressed I would just grow to see I am not like him. I feel I grew up as he didn’t. He consistently refers to his son as “probably being gay” because he isn’t good at young child sports. Basically all I want to say is the people you refer to as the grrr…can’t remember your terminology! Sorry!! But the people who are reasonable and can see the truth.. I just want you to know I knew the correct line at age 10 and grew over my childish sense of humor by 15. Just hearing you speak about things did really give me a lot more courage about calling other people about their ignorance though. You’re an awesome guy and thank you for helping give me courage to speak outright about it!