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Episode 79: The Todd Glass Show
Tom Martin
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #79: Tom Martin

Our friend Tom Martin can’t get enough of the show! He returns for more bits, songs and craziness!

Artwork by Jon Feist

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This episode is brought to you by Explosion Bus. Watch it now!

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Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

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  1. Julia says:

    Jingle Todd, jingle Todd, jingle all the way, jingle jingle Todd Todd Todd, jingle Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd, HEY!

  2. picklemeth says:

    “They bought a sultry lion, and she sultrys in here!”

  3. Anthony Pickett says:

    Todd can you have another podcast show in Portland? 🙂