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Episode 52: The Todd Glass Show
Live from Indiana!
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #52: Live from Indiana!

It’s the first live Todd Glass Show from The Comedy Attic in Bloomington, Indiana! Lots of fun with Todd, Geoff Tate, and the fans!

Follow Geoff Tate on Twitter and check out The Comedy Attic!

Like The Todd Glass Show on Facebook, follow @ToddGlass on Twitter and buy his album “Thin Pig”!

Support the show by clicking the banner below and shopping at







Special thanks to Carvin for supplying us with the equipment we need to record this podcast! Check out for more information on recording equipment, guitars, amps and more!

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here



  1. Tillburg says:

    The infinite sadness that is not being there for this.

  2. Peter says:

    anyone gonna link us to the video they were laughing about ?

  3. WesFX says:


    Would you hate me if I bought a ticket but didn’t come? I don’t get time off work.

  4. Anna says:

    Will you do a live episode at Meltdown? Then Katie and Mikey can be there. And maybe you could get Rory Scovell, James Adomian, Blake Wexler and Daniel Kino.

  5. ben says:

    Still waiting for the promised CAMPING episode.

  6. Boyman says:

    So what, first a hotel room episode, then a best of, and now a live ep? Fuck you. I mean I love the podcast, but come on, you expect me to download this shit? Fuck you. Okay seriously I did listen to the episode, hilarious as always (though there probably should have been a mic in the bathroom for Todd’s pee break, I hear he likes to play in the toilet)

  7. As the Jason who gave Todd the coffee (~1:43:00 in), I can’t put into words how much fun the show was live. I spent most of the weekend at the Comedy Attic, as I have almost every weekend for the last 30 months, and I’ve never felt more at home around another comedian as I did with Todd. So much fun.

  8. John G. says:

    Amazing. Especially loved the audience karaoke. And “Hello?” caller. And the cat. And Todd. And Geoff. And the pee breaks.

  9. Mark says:

    Gonna need a link to that hunting video so we can play along at home…!

  10. Alex says:

    Great episode. This show benefits so much from a live audience, but even without it it’s great, so that’s saying a lot. I hope this is the first of many more.