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Episode 27: The Todd Glass Show
Chelsea Peretti and Bobby…
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #27: Chelsea Peretti and Bobby Miyamoto

The always hilarious Chelsea Peretti hangs out with Todd and Bobby Miyamoto to sell some gifts on a home shopping network, talk about Toddlers and Tiaras and more!

Follow @ChelseaVPeretti on Twitter!

Check out Bobby’s website!

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Special thanks to Carvin for supplying us with the equipment we need to record this podcast! Check out for more information on recording equipment, guitars, amps and more!

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  1. WesFX says:

    Chelsea Peretti is really beautiful. I just saw her on this Comedy Central “Hot List” thing (about comedians, not necessarily attractive people) and she was putting down her looks.

    I dunno if that’s part of the joke, but I hope she doesn’t really think that lowly of herself.

  2. NMeck702 says:

    FYI: Your show w/ Benson was at Palace Station, not Gold Coast. Palace Station sits on Sahara Ave. Gold Coast is on Flamingo. Both are just west of The Strip. Not a dickish comment, but the folks at Palace Station would probably appreciate you not unnecessarily advertising a rival property =P

    Show was incredible, by the way. I had a blast. We need more good comedy in Vegas and comedy clubs not connected to billion-dollar hotels. Glad to see Palace Station working it out with Benson so that he can do his thing in Louie’s Theater.

  3. Ben Black says:

    Yo Todd, I just came here to see what people are saying about your WTF appearance. My two cents adds up to you now having the funniest podcast ever and the best episode of WTF ever. You’re the greatest, and listening to you try to keep all your thoughts in order, then failing, then getting back on track in the most roundabout way possible is my favorite.

  4. Kierstyn says:

    Hi Todd! I am pretty much just repeating the sentiments of everyone above… but your appearance on WTF was really moving and lovely. Congrats… and I’m really proud of you (typed without any level of condescention at all). I hope it feels great to be open about yourself. And it is my wish that you will indeed feel comfortable enough to someday hold the hand of someone dear to you in public.

  5. Bill says:

    Congratulations Todd! WTF was amazing.

  6. Aaron says:

    Finally finished the epi, god I think I want to listen again. I love that you guys actually laugh it makes it so much more fun. You’re good laughers, if that makes sense.

  7. Jen says:

    Your conversation with Marc was inspiring and so important. My little brother was bullied for being gay and he was just a kid. No one should ever have to go through that. Man, I just wanna hug ya.

  8. Andrea L says:

    Oh, Lord. I was afraid that the WTF interview was going to be an “I’m dying” interview like when Robert Schimmel went on the Stern show. I went from wondering what the reveal was going to be to saying … wait … that’s IT??? After listening to the interview, though, I want to thank you and Marc for your great and insightful conversation about a subject that does have an impact on so many young people. I also wanted to recommend two books that tie in to your discussion:

    Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories ed. by Megan Kelley Hall and Carrie Jones
    Real-life stories by modern-day authors about bullying experiences that happened when they were younger. Some of them were bullies, some of them were victims, and some of them were bystanders.

    Hiding in Plain Sight: The Secret Life of Raymond Burr by Michael Seth Starr
    This is a biography of the man who starred in Perry Mason and Ironside, as well as many other TV shows and films. He hid his sexuality behind a series of lies that he told to many people over the years. The lies included two wives and a son who had died … none of whom actually existed! He told these stories so often that everybody believed them. It wasn’t until after his death that reporters began unravelling the truth.

  9. Patrick says:

    Todd, just heard the Maron podcast. I’ve been listening to you since day one, and I gotta say congrats! That’s got to feel so good. Love you, man. You’re the best. Also, the Chelsea episode was fucking AMAZING!!!!

  10. khd says:

    Todd –

    If the first thing I hear isn’t the Price is Right horns after you announce on your podcast what you announced on WTF I’m going to be disappointed!!!

  11. Billy says:

    So fucking hilarious. I should not be listening to this shit at work. I am going to piss myself or have a heart attack trying to bottle my laughter.

    Also, WTF was great today. I just can’t believe you escaped The Burning Eye of Hardwick long enough get to Maron’s garage. You better start playing more songs to appease Him or punishment will be swift and certain.


  12. JAH says:

    Congrats on coming out on the Marc Maron podcast. It was obvious you felt some trepidation, and you did it anyway. You are a focused, funny force to be reckoned with. Great to hear your support for those who just wanna be themselves (especially teens) and have been told that to be gay (or somehow different) is to be wrong, heathen, against God, you name it. Way to go! Cheers!

  13. MichaelH says:

    Aww, sorry for being so light about your WTF episode now! A great episode. As for not liking the labels to explain, I think ‘you’ is a pretty good one.

    Keep doing what you’re doing Todd, the funny bits and the serious campaigns!

  14. Chris Dubea says:

    I just wanted to say that I heard the WTF podcast, and that I have a lot of respect for you to be able to say what you did. I takes a lot of balls to be able to do that. Looking at the other responses here as well you should know that you’re fans love you no matter what. I’m not going to say what was said to get people to hear it. You were the most moving episode I’ve heard on WTF. I seriously doubt that you’ll see this post, but it’s the only way that I know of to show my support for your decision as a fan.

  15. Proud Listener says:

    I really appreciated the Marc Maron podcast. I’m even more proud of loving this podcast

  16. Mark says:

    Also just listened to the interview. I want to give you the biggest hug.

    On the other hand, adds an interesting flavor to the “openly in the closet” joke from James Adomian’s episode! :p

  17. Jared says:

    Todd, I heard you on Maron’s podcast this morning and I just have one question….you fuck that shit? (please god take that in the light-hearted manner it was intended) Love the show, keep up the great work — when I go to Todd’s podcast, I have a good time! You’re awesome!

  18. J says:

    The Maron interview was so moving. Love you Todd. Love the podcast.

  19. Rob says:

    Congrats to Todd for sharing on Marons show Monday. It was a great epidsode

  20. Mike Dizney says:

    “So we got one cokehead and two nice people.” Fucking hilarious, Todd!

  21. Vincent S says:

    OMG that was fun. Bobby needs to talk more with Todd and the guest :/. It was still fun with him on before Chelsea got there.

  22. Zach Coty says:

    Oh, also, Todd you really SHOULD plug your CD once in a while. For some reason I thought it was still in post production, I didn’t realize it was out (for over two years no less). I bought it as soon as I got home from work today, and I’m about to listen to it before I get some sleep. Do you have a DVD in production? Is that what I was thinking of? I dunno, I’m tired. Thanks for the laughs!

  23. Zach Coty says:

    FUCK this was such a good episode. Chelsea’s HSN bit is amazing. Todd this is my favorite podcast, I love you.

  24. mattapodaca says:

    This podcast is my favorite everything.

  25. ben says:

    chelsea is a breath of fresh air!

  26. Lord Todlicker says:

    It appears that my show is only 2:19:55. I hereby request my extra minutes.

  27. Ian Tramell says:

    It appears that your show is 2 hours 79 minutes long, this confuses and therefore angers me

  28. MichaelH says:

    Just about to settle down to listen to what I know is goign to be another great show, but already had to post after hearing your first words.

    You’re the Monday show Marc is being coy about? Oh wow! Marc described the Monday show as ‘a first’ and would say no more, while you deascribe it as ‘pretty personal’ Sounds like it is going to be one to hear!

    Well, the next one to hear. I’m looking forward to this one right now 🙂