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Episode 17: The Todd Glass Show
James Adomian
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #17: James Adomian

The always hilarious James Adomian joins us for an extra long episode! James does some of his amazing impersonations and talks about sketch comedy, angry old people and more. But he definitely does not talk about the weather.

Follow @JAdomian on Twitter and check out his website for dates and more!

Special thanks to Carvin for supplying us with the equipment we need to record this podcast! Check out for more information on recording equipment, guitars, amps and more!

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  1. Comments Police says:

    Hey everyone Im here to grade the comments.
    ok justin you may be too high to listen to this.
    mark— i dont know if you can literally pull a muscle, maybe a love muscle haha.. marc– it doesnt matter just send crazy crap in , it makes it funny. don— yea we know james is good big woop. and the tom leykis bit was good… too everyone that said it was the greatest episode..maybe.. i dont know yet.
    ok thankls

  2. jaylo says:

    this was easily the best episode so far in a flawless run! put those dishes down kid, you’re workin the main room tonight!

  3. Julia says:

    He’s a sensation!

  4. Julie says:

    GREAT episode, probably my favorite to date. Laughed so hard I nearly cried, more than once, at work. THANKS A LOT TODD.

  5. josh says:

    Todd and James should do more shows together. James’s impersonation of Tom Leykis is UNREAL. I was hoping he’d throw in a “REEEAALLLY” and a “WOOOWWWWW” but it seemed like he got every other one of his dumb catch phrases in.

  6. Zach Coty says:

    This episode was one of my favoritests. Needed more Family Guy theme though. Here’s a grilled cheese I made!

  7. Ben Black says:

    Another gold episode from Todd and Co.! I listen at work, where I’m on my feet most of the time. I was repeatedly forced to sit my ass down on the ground I was laughing so hard at this one. Keep it up! The ramblier the better I say!

  8. Johnny says:

    so where are we supposed to send pictures? i have some grilled cheese to make.

  9. m. liang says:

    this and the rory scovel episodes have been my absolute favorites so far. thanks for the podcast, todd (et al)!

  10. Don says:

    James Adomian is the greatest

  11. Jaime says:

    First earwolf saved me of my vicious Cheap Seats withdrawal symptoms.

    Now nerdist has saved me from my Todd Glass withdrawal after he left Comedy and Everything Else.

    Thank goodness for podcast networks!

    I also thought it was funny that the guy who called was as prone to over-prefacing things as Todd. Like host, like audience.

  12. Marc says:

    oh wow, he played some of my message….and i’m so embarrassed to hear it , that it’s almost as if my skin is on fire!

    thanks for taking time to answer, todd – I figured it had to do with the chattiness in the crowd (partially ’cause you told us why you were dropping the mic from your face, but I wasn’t sure if you were also doing it as a joke) but I got lucky and wasn’t next to anybody too loud.

    …though right before the show started, some guy at a big table in front of me was loudly discussing what I imagine was a model of Porsche, ’cause he kept shouting ‘YEAH THE NEW NINE-ELEVEN; IT’S THE NEW NINE-ELEVEN, YEAH WE’RE GONNA GET THE NEW NINE-ELEVEN” and i doubt anyone knew why I was laughing so hard.

    god. next time i record something i’m gonna give myself 24 hours to listen to it again, i don’t even think i made an ounce of sense. thanks for listening and taking the time to answer,

  13. Mark says:

    I literally pulled an abdominal muscle at James’ impersonation of Todd. oh my god

  14. Justin says:

    Toss Glass

  15. Justin says:

    James Adomian is hilarious, and so was Toss saying Shhhnooki.