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Episode 144: The Todd Glass Show
Rob Gleeson & Ian Karmel
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #144: Rob Gleeson & Ian Karmel

Rob Gleeson and Ian Karmel return for another amazing episode!

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  1. Spatula Dave says:

    If you’re still looking for the string quartet arrangement of “Happy Together”:

  2. Luke Henderson says:

    Good grief, why couldn’t Todd let them do the bit about the sports talk fill in guy? I’ve never heard Todd so completely derail and deny another comedian like that before.

  3. Spatula Dave says:

    From one Dave to another: You can always try reaching out to Aristotle or Jake, they’re both on twitter: @youngjakeadams and @aristacos, or email the show [email protected]

  4. dave says:

    you should post all the songs you use in each episode! would be good to credit artists & i want to know where that “happy together” string version comes from