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Episode 131: The Todd Glass Show
Ian Karmel & Rob Gleeson
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #131: Ian Karmel & Rob Gleeson

Ian Karmel and Rob Gleeson return for another hilarious show!

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  1. Jesse says:

    Danny boy, fuck….

  2. Jesse says:

    I loved the music as well. “The reason” was great. I can’t think of what the song was he used at the 50 minute mark and it’s driving me insane. Someone please help me.

  3. Dave says:

    Bravo to the return of show music coordinator Lynn Shore. Been too long since we’ve heard an email read to the melody of “The Reason” by Hoobastank.

    We’re bailing out!

  4. Mark says:

    This callback to the Microsoft/dry cleaner song!!!!!! I honestly can’t believe how much of it they remembered!

  5. FreshMetal says:

    I lost it on the Darth Vader bit during the Pot song, especially once the band started playing Star Wars music in the background.

  6. Mark says:

    The kidnapper birthday cake bit an hour in is the funniest fucking thing. Oh my god.