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Episode 1: The Todd Glass Show
Tom Martin & Daniel Kinno
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #1: Tom Martin & Daniel Kinno

It’s the first episode of The Todd Glass Show with friends Tom Martin and Daniel Kinno! Make sure to stay around for the aftershow.

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  1. mike says:

    Nice to see Todd at the helm – leading the smoked out craziness! Roast up and enjoy the lovin’ goodness that is this monstrosity..

  2. Max Politte says:

    When is Jimmy Dore Gonna Be On The Show???

  3. Scooter says:

    Hey Todd, your podcast rocks and is a nice compliment to the bevy of casts I’m trying to keep up with week to week. I always make sure to leave time for yours! Really dig the unique style with the bits, breaks and stories.

    I’m totally on your side about having a clean house to live in. I lived with 6 other guys in college and it got so bad that I stopped talking to one of them for 3 weeks. The two worst wouldn’t chip in for toilet paper so we all ended up keeping a stash hidden in our respective rooms. 🙂 Those two opted for the old shit and shower approach instead of shelling out a couple bucks for paper.

  4. Max Barth says:

    I keep skipping my first classes in the morning to listen to this damn podcast. Todd’s funny show is going to keep me from getting a college degree. Thanks guys, appreciate it!

  5. Ben Avery says:

    This is my favorite podcast. It’s hilarious. I love it when Todd pretends to be really angry and also the autistic kid playing the family guy theme song on his trumpet is great. This podcast gets me through every day at college.

  6. Aaron says:

    Dodd…I mean Todd. You now have the best damn podcast I’ve ever heard. I actually listened to the same episode twice and could not stop laughing. I’ve never gotten high from laughing so much before but your podcast did it. Keep up the great work!!!

  7. refasu says:

    I love when Todd does audio bits. The one reaming his guests over the intro music was hilarious. I want to hear that every week.

    Also, if it was Todd’s idea on CE&E I want bad news with chips. I really loved that bit. Love the podcast, Todd. I laugh out loud every few minutes and look forward to my next errand so I can listen to a little more in the car.

  8. Russ says:

    New favorite podcast from longtime favorite comedian. Keep it up Todd.

  9. Kierstyn says:

    Great show! I always loved the times that Todd showed up on the Preston and Steve morning show in Philadelphia – those were always a great listens. And now I get to hear that on a regular basis?! Awesome!

  10. ChrisT says:

    Could someone please clarify is it pronounced Dodd?

  11. Farnsinator says:

    I really enjoyed the show. My only complaint is it feels to much like the other podcast Todd was on (C&EE). Maybe he can tell his side of the story as to what happened there. If he already did, I apologize for bringing it up.

  12. Todd Mason says:

    An excellent start…thanks for doing it, everyone. I particularly enjoy the JACOB’S LADDER ending, with all but a glycerin-mouthed Culkin to make the point…

  13. three toes of fury says:

    Sweet tap dancing hezues…a jimmy buffett sounding theme song about Todd in a coma?! my goodness is this podcast starting out strong. keep ’em f@#$ing comin Todd!!!!

  14. Shaun says:

    Really excited for this show. Great so far. Hope he has guest comics on. Will his show get uploaded to Stitcher? I’ve noticed only the Nerdist podcast is on Stitcher.

  15. Zach Coty says:

    So glad this is finally up. I can’t wait to listen to it tonight!

  16. Rob O. says:

    I LOVE the mobile podcast idea. I also don’t mind the “Dinner with…” segment. I know some people get annoyed with hearing people eat, but to me it just makes the casters sound more comfortable and relaxed — that they can converse over a meal, which is often how many great conversations begin.

    And I too am an unabashed fan of Family Guy and King of the Hill.

    Excellent first episode.

  17. Chris Hardwick: Well, at least you tried.

  18. Kris Carlson says:


  19. Karl Savage says:

    Holy frigging moly, I am flabbergasted that my email question was the very first one read on the inaugural episode of the Todd Glass Show!

    (for the record, I pronounce ‘kajus’ KAY-JUSS, although depending on where you’re from, it can be pronounced KAI-US)

  20. Alex says:

    Great first episode. I could listen to Todd Glass talk passionately about some minute aspect of society for hours, and I could listen to Todd Glass get too high and try to do a podcast for even more hours.

    As much as it would’ve been great to make the show name a pun, I’m glad Todd didn’t go with that, because I am still mad that Apple managed to brand not just a type of product (ie Kleenex), but an entire fucking medium! I mean how ridiculous is that, really. Imagine if we called our TV’s “The FoxBox” or some shit, it’s just as bad. Apple is now the richest corporation in America, it’s time to start pushing back against their world domination schemes.

  21. Chris says:

    Todd Glass Show is awesome. I use podcaster to organize all my podcast and it’s not in the database I need the URL or OPML to put it in there thanks!

  22. Jim says:

    Great show.

    I disagree about dumping Kimmel — who clearly likes T0dd — for Carolla — who barely knows Todd. Todd has been on Jimmy’s show repeatedly, but only once on Adam’s podcast (when Adam wasn’t even there).

    That said, there’s ample room for more audio snippets in the intro. 🙂

  23. Three Toes of Fury says:

    I never thought i’d say this: i need a longer commute to work in the morning as the expanding nerdist empire is giving me even more phenom stuff to listen too! Outstanding addition. Todd: welcome to the team! Team Nerdist!

  24. Ryan says:

    I can’t tell you how excited I am to listen to this at work tomorrow. I haven’t heard a single second of the show yet, and I’ve already decided it’s being added into my permanent rotation. ‘Cause Dodd is that awesome.

    Wait…it’s Todd?

  25. Josh says:

    @sybarite – For someone whom claims to “get it” you seem to not.
    Let me help you.

    Before you start to complain about entertainment….of any sort….from people you like….

    DON’T Don’t <———-

    And seriously, Todd – I love this damn show, keep it UP. The Mr. Rogers moment at the end made me tear up a bit….that man was a saint.

  26. Justin says:

    Let me preface by saying that this podcast is probably my new favorite. No seriously.

  27. @sybarite_ says:

    Hey Todd,
    Allow me to be a dick for a moment. I’m not particularly impressed with clips of Conan or Jimmy lauding your work to open your show. Those guys have to heap praise on shit every night. It’s their job. Those guys are part of the system that podcasts are a counterweight to. Those guys are industry media outlets on 7 minute segment schedules. Podcasts are longform. There are different luminaries in this closet industry. You should play to that demographic.
    Alright, it’s time to put a suggestion pickle on top of my complaint burger. Think about your audience here. If we’re here listening, we’re probably hooked into the podcast “scene.” We all know who the movers and shakers in comedy podcasts are today, go to itunes and check the weekly ranking. You’ve made the rounds, so go get soundbites of your appearances with industry moguls like Marc Maron, Adam Carolla or Chris Hardwick, to name a few. That’s the ‘street cred’ you should be shooting for here.
    But that’s just my opinion. The show is great, I’m a subscriber. Keep up the good work.

  28. 8bitOcarina says:

    The holodeck diet wouldn’t work because its food is real food made by replicators.

  29. Chris Hardwick says:

    Vincent: I pitched “Todd Glass Podcast” and “ToddGlasst” but they were both shot down!

  30. Dan says:

    Todd is my favorite comedian and I love him to bits! Great episode, I can’t wait for more.

  31. Dill says:

    Wow, what a god damn great show! I know Todd said that he was still very aware of the fact that he was doing a show, but it totally didn’t feel that way. It was just nice, genuine conversation. Absolutely can’t wait for more. Congrats!

  32. Meaghan says:

    So excited for this new podcast but I agree with Randy M, not enough time in the day to listen to all the awesomeness coming out of Nerdist Industries! ^_^ Good thing my job lets me listen to my iPod while I work or I’d never be able to keep up.

  33. Vincent E. L. says:

    I haven’t listened to the show (yet), but why in the world would a guy named Todd Glass get a podcast and not give it a title like “The Todd Glass Podcast” or “The Podglass Toddcast” or “The Pod Todd Glass Cast” or “The Todglast”? With a name that so nearly rhymes with podcast, it seems a crime to just call it “The Todd Glass Show”. Just an observation. For which I apologize if it’s addressed in the show.

  34. rd riley says:

    Love, love, LOVE Todd Glass. Such a funny, decent guy. First podcast was great. Can’t wait to hear more.

  35. SO excited for this. Subarus for everyone!!

  36. Scotty says:

    Todd Glass is such an awesome addition to Nerdist. Cant wait to hear more!

  37. Bryan_ says:

    Fantastic! Todd Glass is nothing short of amazing.

  38. Nicole says:

    YESSSSSSSS! I have no idea what this podcast is about but if Todd Glass is doing it it’s my new favourite podcast.

  39. Dylan says:

    Loved the show. Missed Todd when he left Comedy And Everything Else. Excited to hear his new podcasts again…….Dodd

  40. Jonas says:

    My new favorite podcast from my favorite comedian!

  41. Randy M says:

    Dang it, Big C! You’re putting up too much good stuff to listen too. I got stuff to do in real life!

    Hmmm. Too much entertainment? I guess I have to hashtag this.


  42. Chris Hardwick says:

    Well thank you! Todd is a fascinating guy and one of the funniest comics in the biz. I’m looking forward to watching this show grow.

  43. Geoff says:

    I don’t know what this podcast will be like but so far every other podcast on the network has been good.