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The Things to Love about The Call of Duty Franchise

If there’s a book published of visuals that go with famous sayings, a screenshot from the Call of Duty franchise has to be posted right next to the phrase “stick to your guns.” Or perhaps, you’d attach it next to the old mantra, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Both of these are immensely appropriate when thinking of each Call of Duty game in succession. But even with the series’ definite lack of genre-defining innovation, the game’s core mechanics only get more polished and refined with each installment. Think of it as a high-tech ice hockey rink that gets yearly seat replacements and extra zamboni detail—the seats get more and more comfy as the years progress.

This week’s Nerdist:Play is about the comfortable Call of Duty series, as we take a trip down memory lane and revisit some of our favorite moments in the franchise’s history. Do you have a favorite map or specific gun of choice in the series? What brings you back to Call of Duty every year? Share your most precious Call of Duty memories in the comments below.

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