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THE SIMPSONS’ Ned Flanders Inspires Metal Band Okilly Dokilly

This week, the world celebrated International Lefthanders Day. And who better to represent the Lefthanders than The Simpsons’ own, Ned Flanders! Harry Shearer has been voicing Ned since the very first episode of The Simpsons in 1989, and we can’t help but love the positive vibes from The Leftorium’s famous owner. Homer Simpson may not appreciate Flanders, but we think he’s a great neighbourino!

Out in Phoenix, Arizona, there’s a new metal band that’s taking their love for Flanders to the next level. Meet Okilly Dokilly, the world’s first “Nedal band,” which is comprised of Head Ned, Red Ned, Thread Ned, Stead Ned and Bled Ned… all of whom are pictured above wearing Flanders’ signature outfit.

“Myself and our drummer [Bled Ned] were in line at a grocery store, entertaining ourselves by coming up with really cutesy names for really hardcore, brutal bands,” explained Head Ned. “The name Okilly Dokilly came up and was very funny to us. We ran with it. I contacted a few friends [Red Ned, Thread Ned and Stead Ned] and here we are…Most of us have played in other bands around our hometown. This is definitely the heaviest sounding project any of us Neds have done.”

Okilly Dokilly hasn’t just adopted Flanders’ style, they’ve used some of his most famous lines from The Simpsons as an inspiration for their songs. That includes Flander’s “It’s like I’m wearing nothing at all” quote that caused Homer to coin the phrase “Stupid, Sexy Flanders.”

While Okilly Dokilly’s first show isn’t until September 5th at The Trunk Space in Phoenix, the band has released demos of their first four songs. But Head Ned joked that “In reality, this is all just an over-the-top attempt at getting Matt Groening’s autograph, even if it comes on a cease and desist letter.”

Simpsons fans, what do you think about the musical-diddlies of Okilly Dokilly? Share your thoughts below!

HT: Rip It Up

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