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The Russo Bros. Talk About Ant-Man’s CIVIL WAR Highlight Moment

There are spoilers ahead for Captain America: Civil War! If you haven’t seen it yet, then come back when you have!

Less than a year after his first Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance, Paul Rudd‘s Ant-Man had one of the signature moments in Civil War. Or should we say, one of the “biggest” moments? During the pivotal airport battle, Scott Lang became Giant Man and briefly managed to hold off most of Team Iron Man. That scene was wisely kept out of the trailers!

“We played with a number of different ideas in terms of what it would be, but none of them had the potency of that Giant-Man beat there,” said Civil War co-director Anthony Russo while speaking to USA Today. “He’s just really impressed with Captain America, he just wants to deliver and he figures out a way to deliver where he might actually tear himself in half but he’s willing to do it and it works. It just lined up on a lot of different levels.”

Giant man

The ability to become Giant Man was more frequently used by Lang’s mentor, Hank Pym, in Marvel’s comic book universe. Even the original Wasp, Janet van Dyne, has been known to use that power on occasion. Now that Scott Lang has used that ability in the MCU, it seems to open the door for him to do it again in Ant-Man and the Wasp. And if he can do it, you’d better believe that Evangeline Lilly‘s Hope can also pull off that trick!

What did you think about Giant Man’s debut in Civil War? And should Ant-Man and the Wasp use that power in their sequel? Activate your Pym Particles and share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Want and Ant-Man refresher? Here’s everything you need to know!

Images: Marvel Studios/USA Today

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