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Dissecting THE POWER RANGERS’ Dinozords Redesign

If you’re a 90’s kid (or just a 90’s kid at heart) then you know you’re living for next summer: that’s when our favorite team of teenagers with attitude—the Power Rangers—hit the big screen in a Mighty Morphin’ big-budget reboot. The first trailer for the movie was released a few months ago and showed us a lot of the angst and grit that the filmmakers were promising from this modern day update, but held back on most of the sci-fi elements. Well get ready to shout “AY-YI-Y!” because we just got our first glimpse of one of the new Dinozords and we are freaking out harder than Alpha-9 after Dark Specter captured Zordon!

The image premiered on the official Power Rangers fan site, Rangers Nation, and let’s just say Rita Repulsa better get her Monster Maker working over time if she wants to take on these Zords. The new, red t-rex looks a lot like one of the classic Zords but with a few upgrades. And what could those be? Well, for starters they seem to be modeling it after a slightly more scientific depiction of the t-rex, positioned horizontally (Jurassic Park style), instead of the old school tail-dragging beast from the tv show. They’ve also given it a hard core weapons upgrade, with rockets that launch out its tiny arms and a massive cannon sprouting out of its back. Something tells us Bulk and Skull won’t be bullying Jason any time soon, once they see him behind the wheel of this bad boy!

Now we still have no idea how this will combine with the other four, still unseen Zords to form the Megazord. But you can bet we’ll be there opening day, March 24th to find out! Until then, guess we’ll just be chilling down at the Angel Grove Youth Center, enjoying a few banana shakes to kill the time.

How about you? How excited are you for the new Power Rangers? And do you think the new Zords look awesome or mega-awesome? Let us know in the comments!

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