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THE OFFICE Cast Reuniting for Brunch Is the Reboot We Need

Rumors of a reboot of the iconic NBC series The Office have been swirling about since last year, when TV Line reported that execs were discussing a revival. Fans flew into a tizzy, anxious to see how this would play out. Would there be a brand new cast? A brand new location? A mix of old and new?

Steve Carrell appeared to shoot down the possibility of a reboot, citing the show’s dated humor, but that hasn’t stopped feverish speculation about what could be next for the Dunder Mifflin crew. And now, some of the cast and the showrunner Greg Daniels are fanning the flames after reuniting over the weekend for a reunion brunch. Could this be the first sign that a reboot of The Office really is on the way?

Jenna Fischer certainly didn’t stop reboot buzz when she posted a photo of the cast reenacting a photo from season three’s “A Benihana Christmas.”

The photo features Creed Bratton (Creed), Paul Liebertsein (Toby), Brian Baumgartner (Kevin), Leslie David Baker (Stanley), Phyllis Smith (Phyllis), Oscar Nunez (Oscar), Rainn Wilson (Dwight), Angela Kinsey (Angela), Fischer (Pam), Ed Helms (Andy), and Greg Daniels, who adapted the show from the original BBC version.

In a follow-up tweet where Fischer described the staging of the photo, she acknowledged the cast mates who weren’t on hand for brunch—Carell (Michael), Ellie Kemper (Erin), John Krasinski (Jim), B.J. Novak (Ryan), Mindy Kaling (Kelly), Craig Robinson (Darryl), and Kate Flannery (Meredith)—and added: “Will see you soon.”

That sendoff statement lit a spark on Twitter, with many fans excited that the show could be poised for a return, and others upset with the idea.

The cast reunion comes just a few weeks after Steve Carrell hosted Saturday Night Live, where in his opening monologue members of the cast popped up in an audience Q&A to beg him for a reboot. In the skit, Ed Helms also has a joke about the cast hanging out without Carrell, which Fischer addressed in her tweet when a fan pointed it out. “He was invited but he’s in London!” she said.

We have no idea what to make of any of this, but whether or not a reboot is in the works or this was merely a harmless group brunch, it sure is good to see these faces back together again, and to know that The Office gang are still friends after all these years.

Image: NBC

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