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The Music Geek Track of the Week: “Radio Free Europe”

Do you enjoy indie music? Thank R.E.M. Simply stated: R.E.M. was the college radio band before college radio was really even a thing. For the next two weeks they will be eulogized, immortalized, and especially greatest-hits-ified. So I will let the music cognoscenti handle the grit n’ grease that goes into evaluating the work ethic of a genre-defining band that rarely faltered throughout its 31 years tenure, and stick to the basics. Informed dialogue about music is something in which I wholeheartedly believe and participate, but sometimes, you just have to shut up, put on your headphones, and let the music do the talking. Rest easy, R.E.M. [pours forty on the ground]

Ya’ll nerds need to follow me on twitter @MattGrosinger

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