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The Music Geek Track of the Week: “Afternoon”


The bedroom-auteur is a restive soul whose work is often enigmatic and hyperintroverted — or so the indie trope goes, anyway. But too frequently, their work is so cryptic that any part of the recording process becomes folklore (Bon Iver).

Not for Trevor Powers. Powers — aka Youth Lagoon — deals with bedroom-pop in a very literal way, both in his method of recording and lyrical content.  And if the title of his debut — The Year of Hibernation — is a decent indicator, he seems to have found a lot of solace stowed away at home in Boise, Idaho.

But while the rest of us, given the chance to hibernate for a little, might utilize the time to play the new Gears of War and eat a shitload of Cheetos, Powers works tirelessly to compose idyllic dreamscapes like “Afternoon.” I can’t decide whether he sounds more like Passion Pit took a lot of Valium or like he was two years too late for the Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack. In any case, I really, really recommend you guys check out the rest of his album; it has already become one of my favorites of the year.

Ya’ll nerds need to follow me on twitter! @MattGrosinger

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  1. Bec says:

    I heart this