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The Mountain Becomes Europe’s Strongest Man for the 2nd Straight Year

When not crushing the skulls of fan-favorite Game of Thrones characters with his bare hands, Hafthor Bjornsson is showing the world why he got the part. A professional strongman competitor, the 26-year-old Icelandic powerhouse has been tearing up the circuit, convincing people that maybe Crossfit IS worth the price.

On July 12th, 2015, Bjornsson once again cemented his dominance by winning the Europe’s Strongest Man competition for the second year in a row. The above video shows the highlights of the competition. It begins with him setting a personal best on the deadlift at 450 kg (That’s just shy of half a ton).

Remember in P.E. if your class was acting up and the teacher made all of you run “suicides” as punishment? Well, imagine doing those today except having to carry a barrell, a sandbag, and a truck tire on each lap. That’s what Bjornsson had to do, and he did it with ease.

These strongman contest are amazing when it comes to designing games customized just for these competitions. replace the truck tire with an egg on a spoon and you now have a fun picnic game. “Who can carry the Volkswagen Bug the farthest” is a littler harder to customize. Check out the video below for a closer look at Bjornsson’s performance.

As you can tell from the videos, the crowd was definitely behind him, as was his family. Here’s a picture of the Bjornsson clan after Hafthor’s big win.

So what do you think? Are you signing up at the gym right now? Or are you just as content being an “armchair weightlifter”? Let me know on Twitter or in the comments below.

H/T: Laughing Squid


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