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Does any movie on the horizon look like a bigger love letter to nerdery than The LEGO Batman Movie? If so, I’m hard-pressed to name it. Everything we’ve seen from next year’s animated superhero epic has brought a smile to my face, and the film’s latest character posters are no different. Also in today’s Movie Morsels, news on Thor: Ragnarok, a new photo from Wonder Woman, and much more!

The LEGO Batman Movie

Since The LEGO Batman Movie looks to be the definitive parody of the Batman’s big-screen adventures (as well as plenty of his comic-book tales), it’s only fitting that it lampoon movie marketing in its own promotional materials. So here’s six new character posters for the February 10th release, one for every member of the Bat family: Will Arnett’s Dark Knight, Michael Cera’s Robin, Rosario Dawson’s Batgirl, and Ralph Fiennes’ Alfred Pennyworth. Also featured are their two most popular arch-villains, Zach Galifianakis’s Joker and his partner Harley Quinn…


Thor: Ragnarok


In other superhero news, we finally have confirmation that Marvel’s fan-favorite Planet Hulk comic will play as big a role as we hoped it would in next year’s Thor: Ragnarok. In the latest issue of Total Film, director Taika Waititi states that the film will feature the comic’s titular planet, Sakaar, on which the jade giant serves as a gladiator in combat against a host of aliens. Additionally, Waititi says that the film will take its visual cues from the legendary art of Thor and Hulk creator Jack Kirby! Huzzah!!!

[MCU Exchange]

Wonder Woman

Meanwhile, back at DC… A cloaked Princess Diana rides into battle in World War I atop a noble black steed whilst accompanied by Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor in the latest image from the loooong-awaited first Wonder Woman feature film. Gal Gadot looks even more regal here than she did in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, though just as intent on clobbering evil, one corrupt patriarch at a time…


Justice League

Not enough Wonder Woman for you in today’s Movie Morsels? Not enough Batman either? We can solve both problems in one fell swoop: Gal Gadot herself shared the below image of Princess Diana, Bruce Wayne, and speedster Barry Allen in costume together from Zack Snyder’s upcoming Justice League movie.

Patriots Day

This year’s acclaimed Deepwater Horizon‘s director Peter Berg and star Mark Wahlberg reteam in the dramatic thriller about the horrifying Boston Marathon bombing, Patriots Day. Backed by a powerhouse performers like J.K. Simmons, Kevin Bacon, John Goodman, and Michelle Monaghan, I’m hoping Berg and Wahlberg deliver another winner, one just as steeped in real-world drama, when it hits theaters this week. Here’s the film’s latest trailer…

[CBS Films]

xXx: Return of Xander Cage

If you’re looking for a slightly less serious thriller than Patriots Day, one whose characters and situations bear little resemblance to anything that’s ever existed on this planet, Vin Diesel’s xXx: Return of Xander Cage should do the trick. As its latest poster makes quite clear, Vinnie D and company are going for one thing and one thing only here: maxxximum escapism…



Finally today, we’ve got the first trailer for the most offbeat film I’ve heard of so far this week — Prevenge! Yes, it’s the pregnancy-revenge thriller (get it???) we didn’t know we needed, from first-time feature film director Alice Lowe. The movie is described as a slasher spoof about “a pregnant woman who is convinced her fetus is ordering her to kill.” And so kill she must! Prevenge hits UK theaters in February; hopefully a US release will soon follow…

[The Guardian]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Warner Bros.

Images: Marvel Comics

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