That’s John Boswell’s latest Symphony of Science installment, “Onward to the Edge!” It includes Neil deGrasse Tyson, as heard on the latest Nerdist Podcast, plus bits of Brian Cox narrating the BBC’s Wonders of the Solar System and a TED Talk by Carolyn Porco. These things are genius, in more ways than one.
There’s also Cox reading a line from the late, great Carl Sagan in there. Today would have been Sagan’s 77th birthday. His influence on countless Nerdists is incalcuable. (Insert “billions” reference here) That’s worth celebrating. And as we heard in the Nerdist Podcast, Sagan’s epic Cosmos is getting a sequel series on Fox, hosted by… Neil deGrasse Tyson. Everything’s connected.
(Thanks to Nerdist reader MetaMike23 for posting the video in the comments for the podcast)
“content to love the questions themselves” – amen. wow, this is the first one of these symphony of science vids I’ve seen and i’m glad it included tyson and sagan. thank you!
It’s pretty awesome that my comment/post is now a thing on the homepage!
OMG…this is awesome!
Great vid.
I am a dumb dumb and forgot that I sent the Symphony of Science link to a friend and posted that. Don’t hate me!
Here is the Carolyn Porco talk:
Awesome! Perfect for Carl Sagan’s bday!
I love that Carolyn Porco TED talk. Really cool. If anyone hasn’t seen it, I highly recommend it. She shows some amazing and moving images from the Cassini voyage to Saturn. Click and nerd out!!