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THE LAST OF US Director Says Sequel Has 50/50 Chance Of Happening

Naughty Dog Studio Creative Director Neil Druckmann says there’s a 50/50 chance that a sequel to The Last of Us will come to fruition. We knew before that the story of Ellie and Joel would not be continued beyond the first game, but the probability of another story being told within the TLoU universe has now officially received a numeric value:


The Last of Us was a spiked-bat knock out of the ballpark, becoming the fastest selling PS3 title ever while accumulating various honors, including the D.I.C.E. 2014 Game of the Year award. What’s even more impressive is that this success was garnered during the final leg of the PlayStation 3, in a gaming year that was primarily focused on the launch of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. Taking all of that into consideration, I doubt bringing another installment of TLoU would be something folks would scowl at, and I’m inclined to say that many are expecting to see a sequel in the next several years.

The final story-based DLC expansion, Left Behind, went live on Valentine’s day and is available now free to TLoU season pass holders and at $14.99 for anyone else.

HT: Reddit

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