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THE LAST JEDI Novelization to Include Han Solo’s Funeral

The Last Jedi hit theaters in December, but the publishing program accompanying the latest Star Wars film isn’t over. The novelization of the movie by author Jason Fry is coming in March, and as with any such adaptation, it will include material that couldn’t fit in the film. Books present the opportunity to spend more time lingering on important moments and getting inside characters’ heads. Episode VIII writer and director Rian Johnson gave input on the book, and he and Fry stopped by The Star Wars Show to discuss some of the deleted scenes that will be part of the novelization. One of those scenes? A funeral for Han Solo.

I’m not emotionally ready.

You can hear Johnson’s and Fry’s comments on the novelization beginning at about 3:13 in the below video.

The sad Solo scene will be featured in the book, as well as one with Rose and Paige Tico together, ones exploring more of Canto Bight, and just going deeper in general.

And because someone will ask about canon: the novelizations of the films from Del Rey are canon unless they contradict something shown on screen. So, if the film shows a scene happening a certain way and the book describes it differently, the film takes precedence over the book.

Are you planning to read The Last Jedi novelization when it’s out on March 6? What else do you hope to see? Tell us in the comments.

Images: Lucasfilm

Amy Ratcliffe is an Associate Editor for Nerdist. She likes Star Wars a little. Follow her on Twitter.

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