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Episode 9: The JV Club
Angela Kinsey
The JV Club

The JV Club #9: Angela Kinsey

Is it easy to go from the bustling streets of Jakarta to the country roads of Archer City with a little Dallas in between? Don’t miss this rare opportunity to find out what “wall bangs” are, how to con your way into an internship on a popular talk show, and maybe even learn a little Indonesian… all courtesy of Angela Kinsey from NBC’s The Office.

The 6 Scariest Underground Mines in Horror

The 6 Scariest Underground Mines in Horror

Do You Hear

Do You Hear "Brainstorm" or "Green Needle"?





  1. Joshanna says:

    I just found your podcast and am starting from the very beginning. This one really brought tears to my eyes. They are all so inspirational even to me at 32.

  2. Eric says:

    Seriously, if Angela’s asking herself “And then what?” after The Office goes off the air, she should think about becoming a motivational speaker. The way she snagged that Conan internship was classic, and yelling on Mulholland was SO specific, it’s something you couldn’t write because it sounds too cliche. Great interview, Janet!

  3. GabbyD says:

    This interview turned me into an angela kinsey fan (well, i’m a JV fan too!). her indonesian adventure was awesome, and i’m glad she learned the native language. Sadly we dont have that rule in the philippines; we tend to speak in english with foreigners around.

  4. janet says:

    GREAT comments, as usual, friends. LOVE! And so true about the “And then what” and the Fear-Off parallel with PG! We did talk a little about that after we finished recording! He was kind of just getting into the idea of Fear-Offs then and it’s so apropos!

  5. Alec says:

    I have to say, “and then what” is a way better way of dealing with anxiety than my teenage self’s method, which was to pretend it didn’t exist.

  6. PaulB says:

    JV I love your podcast!! You are one of my fav guests on NNF and the mental illness happy hour. BTW, it seems interesting that Paul Gilmartin was there recording when she was talking about fear and her “and then what?” technique. It’s such a nice counterpoint to his fear-offs (which I also love). Did the three of you talk about that at all after?

  7. PaulB says:

    Loved this episode! I think it is really interesteing that Paul Gilmartin was sitting right there recording when she talked about fear and her “and then what?” technique. I think it would be pretty interesting if he worked that into his fear-offs (which I also LOVE, and loved your epsode on TMIHH).

  8. Tibbs says: sent me here!

  9. Amy says:

    I absolutely love Angela! She’s so smart and such a great role model. She’s very inspirational and she must be such a great mom, her wisdom is so evident.

  10. janet says:

    Hey! Thanks for the great notes! I’m about to go download “We Are All Teenagers.”
    Sidenote… I’m still in complete awe of the fact that Angela shouted “I want to be on NBC’s Thursday Night Comedy Lineup” at the top of Mulholland so many years ago. Wow!

  11. Cecilia says:

    *Wonderful* show. Janet said something about how we’re all still teenagers, and I was reminded of a song by the amazing Tim Fite called “We are all teenagers.” If you get a minute, listen to it and try not to cry-laugh.

  12. Wendy says:

    I hate to say, “best episode yet!” because that implies the previous episodes were lacking in some way, but this one just seemed special.

  13. Sandi V. says:

    That was so awesome and inspirational. Angela had some amazing things to say, and this interview definitely brightened up my day. Keep up the good work, JV! 🙂

  14. Daneezzy says:

    Great! I loved it. keep it up! Angela is awesome, she made my day with her aside about hardwork. Definitely something I can relate to as I am looking for a job and it just sucks to be given the run around. Inspirational stuff, need more 😀