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Episode 51: The JV Club
Michaela Watkins
The JV Club

The JV Club #51: Michaela Watkins

It’s a campfire-worthy episode of The JV Club with guest Michaela Watkins (Wanderlust) as she and Janet settle in for an evening of conversation about ghosts, close encounters of the litter kind, and pursuing careers in the spiritual realm.

Remembering Richard Jeni

Remembering Richard Jeni

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.



  1. janet says:

    Joseph! Ha! I don’t know if she did either. I THINK she did. We were moving fast and furious at that point. I love that you loved it! I had Tig fresh in my mind.

    Emily- Oh man! I knew it would be some reason I didn’t approve of. But those Brits, you know they so often only do TV for a season or two. They’re not like us here, where you sign on for 6 years at a stretch.

    PJ – I am, and I am. Perpetually! And I will send Juls a pic of Douglas for Pinterest! He’s been adopted (I was fostering him) but he was the cutest ever.

    Scott – I don’t know how I feel about the Americanized idea. Wait, no, I do. I’m worried about it. Right?

    Lauren – Your poor little nose! Fuckin’ Tic Tacs!!

  2. Lauren H says:

    When I was little I stuck a dark green tic tac up my nose, and by the time we got to the doctor it had already dissolved… You can imagine the pain, but suffice it to say I learned from this and went with a shirt button next time.

  3. Scott B. says:

    On the other hand, I’ve heard Julian Fellowes will be going to NBC to try some version of the show (either Americanized or something more original) here in the U.S.

  4. PJ says:

    OK, I don’t watch Downtown Abbey, but I had to look up that spoiler. I hope neither Janet nor Michaela like Game of Thrones, because they’re going to be perpetually angry at that show…
    And there better be pictures of Douglas on the Facebook/Pinterest pages.

  5. Emily says:

    Matthew Crawley is going back to Broadway, apparently. That’s why he left the show. First Sibyl (who was totally the best sister) and now Matthew! Come on Julian Fellowes!

  6. Joseph says:

    lol awww.. I’m not sure if Michaela got the Degobah ref. Now I’m trying to decide if she loses points for not knowing, or if I lose points for finding the joke awesome.