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Episode 21: The JV Club
Alison Brie
The JV Club

The JV Club #21: Alison Brie

Episode 21 of The JV Club finds Janet and guest Alison Brie (Community, Mad Men) spontaneously writing a movie pitch, discussing the bathroom-centric challenges of leotards, and even catching a few cooties with a fan-made cootie catcher. If you don’t know what that is, it’s not what it sounds like.

Remembering Richard Jeni

Remembering Richard Jeni

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.



  1. Shopping says:

    JV Club Episode 21 is great. It is one of the best episodes ever. Iā€™m cheering for you Alison Brie!

  2. Johnny says:

    Awesome podcast! I love Alison Brie. She’s one of those actress that has it all.

  3. Lydia says:

    as someone with a mom from wisconsin i have to say you hit the voice spot on. this whole thing was just awesomely adorable and just made me want to have lunch with both of you.

  4. Charlie says:

    Where did they get the picture of her from college?! I want to see more!

  5. Jared says:

    I’m really late on this, but Alison and I had the same college English class taking method: Skim the book, lead the discussion, cram on the reports. Worked wonders for me! šŸ™‚

  6. Douglas says:

    All kidding aside, I can’t wait for the day Alison Brie writes a movie.

  7. ChadDavid says:

    My mom is in “Red Hats”, or as I call it “the Brides of Magneto”…

  8. AJ says:

    Janet, would you consider having Megan Ganz as a guest?

  9. Kyle says:

    From the Jenny Joseph poem, “Warning”:

    When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    With a red hat that doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me.

  10. Caitlin says:

    I loved this episode so, so much! Pretty neat that not only was it the first time the JV Club has had two people from the same show, it is actually true of two different shows since Christina Hendricks and Gillian Jacobs have both been on before šŸ™‚ I am always amazed at how quickly an hour flies by! I love knowing that no matter how bad of a day I am having, listening to the JV Club will change that. The laughter is always infectious.

  11. Lu says:

    So good, I didn’t want it to end!

  12. Vincent S says:

    I think Alison Brie’s one of those woman that I would try to capture the world and just hand to her… probably get my heart crushed (gently) and wouldn’t regret it. Funny, smart, and can joke about anything. @_@ I’m in love.

  13. gene says:

    Omg! two of my best actresses!! Korra and Annie šŸ˜€

  14. Khristian says:

    Is that the voice of Korra??

  15. Alec says:

    What is it with physics teachers? Mine would loom over the corners of the girls’ desks with this creepy expression on his face for half of the class.

  16. Pinpon says:

    Now i want Alison as my wife more than ever lol

  17. Kevin says:

    Sally Fields as the grandmother

  18. Eric Song says:

    First off, how painful was it to listen to that gymnastics story? I tend to empathize when engaged in a story (movies, books, etc.) and that one made me cringe so bad! I mean, who hasn’t been embarrassed in public before? BTW, the empathy is also why I can’t stand horror movies. I just imagine the pain a little too much. Give me a comedy or kids movie any day.

    Second, I’m glad you brought up the fears associated with being a child of divorce. Even though my sisters seem to have moved on, I’ve also kind of held on to that (irrational) belief that marriage isn’t meant to last. It might be because my mom was the one who ended the marriage, and sometimes I catch myself acting a little too much like my dad. Like you said though, being aware of it should mean avoiding those mistakes, but even the possibility of hurting someone (or being hurt) like that doesn’t feel like it’s worth it anymore. These are probably more private e-mail worthy thoughts, but that seems like a bother to you and there are probably other people reading this who feel the same way. You’re not alone!

    And real quick, I’m so happy that you’re enjoying the crew at HuffPostLive! I recently ended my year-and-a-half run as a news producer because management wouldn’t allow me full control of my show. The people I actually worked with were great, but being forced to produce an hour of straight news got to be extremely boring. I’m glad you’re getting all the support you need over there, and I’m sure it’ll be great when the site actually launches. Wish you the best of luck, Janet!

  19. Curtis says:

    Prime example of girls who are good at math – Danica McKellar

  20. Kati says:

    Oh, I’ve always called those paper “cootie catchers” “fortune tellers” growing up.

  21. Justin says:

    This was the best JV Club episode yet which is saying something. Hopefully you can get Yvette to complete the Community trifecta.

  22. fredzylla says:

    Alison, will you have my children?

  23. BigFan says:

    When they perfected robots that would look like humans, I would buy one that looks exactly like Alison Brie, and will fight for the rights to marry a robot.

  24. Hickspy says:

    Even my pet walrus next to me is clapping.