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Episode 140: The JV Club
Seychelle Gabriel
The JV Club

The JV Club #140: Seychelle Gabriel

Things get groovy with the luminous Seychelle Gabriel (The Legend of Korra) with rhapsodic waxing on the brilliant Jimi Hendrix, song-and-dance numbers featuring high school teens and Toto classics, and Korra fans, don’t worry… some chatting about Korrasami.

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Seychelle teen

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Remembering Richard Jeni

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Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.



  1. Jaz says:

    Listening to Janet and Seychelle talk, the only thing I saw in my mind was Korra and Asami. It literally brought me to tears because from book one, when it first came out, I already shipped Korrasami, like, I know this may be weird, and I know lots of people don’t understand, but it literally gives me hope, when I see anything Korrasami. I grew up with Avatar being a huge part of my life, and now its an even bigger part of my life. It got me into writing again, and drawing. I’m gay, and seeing my two favorite characters, two badass powerful women who I completely fell head over heels in love with, become this powerhouse couple, literally gives me hope, that one day it could happen to me. Thank you Janet and Seychelle, for being you and for. . .well, you guys make it easier to live day by day. Korrasami is my OTP and yes, it causes me emotional trauma, but that’s what otps are supposed to do. Lol I love you guy . I hope I get to meet you one day. I’m from Hawaii, so if you ever need a inside person to take you to all the secret spots, let me know! Lol 

  2. Thumuli says:

    Listening to this with “Lost My Heart In Republic City” in the background playing while drawing and sipping on my tea. Best time ever! Thanks Janet and Seychelle ^.^

  3. Thumuli says:

    listening to this while playing “Lost my heart in Republic City” in the back while drawing on my tablet. Best time ever! Thanks for this Janet and Seychelle. ^.^

  4. Mik says:

    I remember the first time I saw Seychelle was in Honey 2. xD This episode is totes amaze. Korrasami <33

  5. akm says:

    I know I risk sounding like I’m just gushing about Avatar with this, but I’d love to see you get Zelda Williams on the JV Club. I’ve heard her in other interviews of a similar(ish) format to what you do, and I think she’s make for a great episode.

  6. Cora says:

    Gah, I just love listening to both of you talking together, I could listen to several more hours. Music talk, life talk, anything talk.It’s funny, I listened to this as soon as it came out & now after a day with everyone on Tumblr, peeps been saying “I’m just imagining Korra & Asami doing a podcast.” hahahaOh my god, I wish I could hear the Africa performance now too! Monkey sound was on point.Oh god, I got so freaked out when y’all talked about the bug thing. I have a phobia that has to do with skin, I started absolutely freaking the fuck out. (I don’t wanna write it cause the pictures are so anxiety triggering aka make me cry aka make everyone cry)Korrasami. I can’t even write about how happy I am, I’ll cry, I’m already wiggling around lmao. But I did find it outrageous when people would say “oh they did it to please the korrasami shippers” etc., because I’m pretty sure most creators, /especially/ Mike & Bryan, wouldn’t do that???? It baffles me.Oh man I couldn’t choose just 3 Avatar characters. Although, Toph for sure.Harmonica version of the Avatar theme?! Holy geez, that’s amazing! *_*
    Thanks for another wonderful podcast, with Seychelle, Janet!

  7. Areios says:

    Seychelle has such a lovely, sultry voice! She could recite the dictionary and make it sound interesting.

  8. Rob says:

    Seychelle is seriously one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Would love to ask her on a date just to say I’ve done it.

  9. Leo says:

    Great podcast! I really enjoyed both your insights to a lot of things ๐Ÿ™‚ Even though itโ€™s only been a year since I finished high school, I felt like I could totally relate.

    And can I just say, some very interesting music choices – I think I might have to check out some of these artists!
    I’m definitely keeping an eye out for this podcast series in the future! Great work Janet!

  10. Crev says:

    I would LOVE to hear a Korra inspired album from you two!!! I’d definitely buy that haha!! 

  11. Lucas says:

    Janet went from “do you think her look was meant good things” to being vocab jackass over the course of an hour hahaha
    I’m mostly here because I’m a huge dork over korrasami (and I know you couldn’t just talk about LoK the whole episode) but this was nice. I think I’ll be tuning in more often.
    Also, nice harmonica solo, Seychelle.

  12. Mark says:

    Yay! What a joy!Aside: Not sure if this is kosher, but I have a guest recommendation: Mallory Ortberg from The Toast (@mallelis). Might be the funniest writer on the internet today, and that includes some titanic competition! Could be delightful ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Todd Mason says:

    Amusing: for decades, Thelonious Monk was Much further Out There musically than Miles Davis…listening closely suggests he always was…
    One thing Hendrix didn’t get to do before his death was a scheduled album with old Davis (and everyone) collaborator Gil Evans:

  14. Amy M. says:

    I could gush about Korrasami all day long but I’ll do my best and reel it in. I love your podcast Janet, and I know it isn’t about Korra, but I can’t tell you how excited I got when you said there was some Korra talk with Seychelle. I try not to ship too many non-canon same-sex female ships because let’s face it, most creators just queer-bait, never intending to make it a canon ship, just ‘throwing the dog a bone’ every now and then with certain lines/scenes. I couldn’t resist Korrasami though, so I’m glad Bryke made it canon. I’m enjoying the excitement with all the art, fanfiction, and in-depth analysis of certain scenes. Korra and Asami’s friendship (and eventual romance) despite the awkward/frustrating love triangle was THE BEST! And yes, that was me “reeling it in”.

    Just want to say that the skating rink was totally a middle school thing to do, wow that sure does bring back some memories. I used to rollerblade every Friday night and I’d get blisters on my feet, recover for a week, and do it all over again. Gosh, I don’t think I’ve stepped inside a rink in over 13 years, I definitely wouldn’t be able to skate now like I did back then.

    Thank you Seychelle for the lovely Avatar theme rendition on the harmonica!
    (Don’t forget about the survey guys!  It didn’t take long at all to complete)

  15. Taylor Anne says:

    Hearing you give shout outs to me makes me giddy and excited so thank you, Janet!

    Definitely loved hearing y’all talk about Korrasami because those two characters mean so much to me! I am also another person who got teary-eyed when Seychelle performed the theme on the harmonica. It was so special!

    Also never realized that Seychelle and I were so close in age and it really makes me want her to be my best friend even more haha.

  16. Bri says:

    First of all, you two are the best. Just an amazing episode. Janet, I actually work at a Sesame Street themed theme park, and I “know” Cookie Monster (I work in character dining). He is my support buddy when the day really sucks and gives warm fluffy hugs. It’s like hugging an alpaca, but with less barn smell and less saliva. But again great episode!

  17. PJ says:

    Well, I can’t believe Seychelle’s dad has something in common with my ex-wife. They both were extras on The Day After Tomorrow!

  18. Travis says:

    Ah, you’re referring to the Bechdel Test.  It actually originates from a comic strip, “Dykes to Watch Out For,” by Alison Bechdel.
    It’s not the definitive rule for equal representation in media that some people treat it as, because there are a lot of objectively great movies that fail the test and a lot of crappy movies that pass.  But like great comedy tends to do, it does inspire you to step back and look more critically at the subject.
    On the subject of Korrasami, I was really curious as to if/when you two were told and how it may have affected your performances.  Sort of like how J.K. Rowling told Alan Rickman (and only Rickman) everything about Severus Snape’s back story.
    Personally, I fell into the expectation that Korra would get back together with Mako, because the boy gets the girl and that’s how it has always been.  Getting to see the relationship between Korra and Asami develop so naturally and unforced was a real treat.  Looking back at their interactions and character arcs, it only makes more and more sense.
    Thank you both for bringing this world and these amazing characters to life for us.  (Also, even a harmonica version of the theme was enough to make me a little teary-eyed.)

  19. Sam K says:

    Re: shitty snacks. There were 2 types of kids in elementary school… Fruit Roll-Up kids, and fruit leather kids. Even back then I for sure (internally) side-eyed the fruit leather kids. Shitty “American snacks” just seemed so much cooler. Whyyy, ugh. Poison indeed.

    Great episode. AND! Extended/additional/eternal congrats and thanks to you, Seychelle, and all the rest of the cast and crew over at Korra. The show as a whole, and especially the end, really meant a lot :’)

  20. Luis says:

    Iยดm from Mexico and “las posadas” are from the 16th till the 24th ๐Ÿ˜‰ itยดs so nice that you know about that tradition, my family does that every year since almost 70 years

  21. Nikki says:

    the “american” treats! haha I can so relate because my mom is English, so growing up she’d never let me and my sister have “american” snacks like fruit snacks and that type of thing…she also didn’t let us drink soda except for sprite or ginger ale every now and then. And funny, because now as an adult I am really not a soda drinker except for ginger ale every now and then and I also don’t really go for those processed snacks either. Good for mama ๐Ÿ˜‰
    —-I didn’t realize Seychelle was so young! Her dad sounds really cool; seems like she had a really lucky upbringing—-as far as picking fashion that have gone out of style–Elizabethan collars all the way!!

  22. Claire says:

    A bright blue Cookie Monster sweater? I actually had one as a toddler! One of my earliest memories is wearing it to my third birthday party!

    The actor hierarchy bit was interesting too – I was an extra once, in 22 Jump Street, which shot a lot of footage on my school’s campus. I was in a foreground shot that lasted just a couple seconds, and moving from background to foreground was like some kind of implicit promotion, because the other people in that shot and I got to have some snacks from the snack tent, which the other extras apparently weren’t allowed to use (???). People were condescending in general. It was nice to get paid to mostly just sit around, though.

    Anywho, great conversation, and congrats to you both for an amazing run on Legend of Korra!