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Episode 129: The JV Club
Annie Savage
The JV Club

The JV Club #129: Annie Savage

Pull on your sequined unitard and clip in your feathered headdress for the Dance Drill of podcast episodes with Annie Savage (Thrilling Adventure Hour). It’s raining tap shoes, airsickness bags, and actual rain in episode 128, where the especially important factoid of where Janet and Annie clean out their purses is finally revealed (no one cares).

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  1. Bronwyn says:

    Both times I’ve had an MRI they’ve had special headphones that are connected to the outside and played music.  I didn’t get a chance to decide what to listen to, but I know it’s feasible.  It stinks that they didn’t have that for Annie!

  2. PJ says:

    Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me people DON’T like having needles jammed in their throat?

    Also am I the only person to have had wisdom teeth removed with local anesthesia only? It’s fine if you’re not prone to panic attacks and don’t mind feeling the dentist sawing through your jawbone (yeah, I know it’s all about how impacted they are and what not)… But the local anesthetics will still screw with your brain as they wear off.