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Forgotten Any of JASON BOURNE’s Backstory? This Supercut Can Help

It’s been 16 years since Matt Damon stepped into the role of Jason Bourne in The Bourne Identity, and nine years since Damon’s last appearance as Bourne. But he’ll be back later this month in Jason Bourne, which reintroduces its title character to a world that may have passed him by.

To bring fans up to speed on Bourne’s exploits, Burger Fiction has created a new supercut that greatly condenses the story that was told through the first four Bourne movies. Damon only appeared in the first three films: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ultimatum, while Jeremy Renner headlined The Bourne Legacy as Aaron Cross. The supercut also serves as a reminder of Bourne’s quest for answers regarding his identity and the secret program known as Operation Treadstone. However, the video doesn’t really explain what Treadstone was. So that’s what we’re here for! Treadstone was the secret CIA program to create physically and mentally superior assassins who would perform black ops missions without question. It made Bourne into a nearly unstoppable operative, and he is the only known survivor of the original program.

By the time of The Bourne Legacy, Treadstone had given way to Operation Outcome, which genetically enhanced its operatives (including Aaron Cross) with an ongoing chemical regimen that could theoretically make them even more dangerous than Bourne. At the end of that film, Cross was modified further to keep his abilities without the constant chemical intake.

So why is Jason Bourne resurfacing in the fifth film after letting the world believe he was dead for nearly a decade? The likely answer is that the legacy of Treadstone and Outcome lives on, and there’s a new program in place to create black ops super soldiers. But we’ll learn more when Jason Bourne hits theaters on July 29.

What did you think of the new Bourne Quadrilogy supercut? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Image: Universal Pictures

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