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The Internet Archive Makes Over 900 Classic Arcade Games Playable Through Your Web Browser

If you’re having work problems, I feel bad for you, son. I’ve got ninety-nine problems, but being bored ain’t one! Unfortunately, however, being unproductive might be one of those problems, thanks to the Internet Archive’s online arcade. Paying this online arcade a visit will grant folks access to over 900 different arcade classics, all of which can be played right on your web browser, for absolutely free. Hell, yes!

The list of classics include titles such as DigDug, GoldenAxe, Commando, and even Sega’s oldie-but-goodie Out Run, just to name a few. Oh, I almost forgot to mention – there’s also Paper motherf***cking Boy! This used to be one of my favorite games back in the day and actually had me aspiring to be a young news-burrito slinger. Needless to say, there’s enough nostalgia in this library to turn your skin into an illuminated Tron suit, so tread lightly if you plan to proceed into the library through this link.

Before you hop in and zap yourself away into the late 70s – early 90s, you should know that there are a few games that are a little buggy, which is to be expected with a catalogue that’s this robust. Internet Archive suggest that folks run the games on a powerful browser, and recommend using Firefox as it currently provides the fastest environment to run the games. I’ve personally been running it on Google Chrome just fine, and have already lost about half of an hour dabbling in the virtual museum while writing this article. It is a slippery slope that you are 99% guaranteed to slide down Avalanche style.

[HT: Internet Archive]

Image: Atari Games

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  1. didjeridude says:

    galaga is pissin’ me off. as i’m playing, it will just randomly swipe to other windows i have open, usually resulting in my ship being blown up

  2. James.Destro.XXV says:

    In chrome, I had to click the “mute/unmute” button, and then refresh the page to reload it with that option activated.  That might solve some people’s sounds issues.

  3. xaGe says:

    No sound in firefox or chrome muted or unmuted doesn’t matter.

  4. Narrator says:

    Meh, this is what you really want.
    www. ssega . com

  5. I can’t get the sound to work on any of them 🙁