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THE INCREDIBLES 2 Will Be Released One Year Early and ROGUE ONE Hidden Messages

THE INCREDIBLES 2 Will Be Released One Year Early and ROGUE ONE Hidden Messages

With apologies to the Avengers and the members of the Justice League, the greatest super-team movie will always be Brad Bird’s The Incredibles. So join with me now in a hearty “Yahoo!” as we celebrate the fact that we’ll get to see Mr. Incredible and his family again a full year earlier than we expected them. Also in today’s Movie Morsels, we have some intriguing Easter eggs found in Rogue One‘s latest marketing, a new behind-the-scenes featurette on the world of Assassin’s Creed, and much more!

The Incredibles 2

The Incredibles Featured

Oh frabjous joy! Pixar is apparently so happy with the way things are going with the First Family of big-screen superheroics as they embark on their second mission that the studio has moved the release date for The Incredibles 2 forward from June 21, 2019 to June 15, 2018. Okay, here’s the bad news: The new date was originally occupied by Toy Story 4, which Pixar has now moved to the Incredibles sequel’s original date in 2019. Even though we’ll have to wait a little longer to catch up with Woody, Buzz, and the gang, I’m more than okay with this. After all, we’ve had three Toy Story films thus far and only one Incredibles film. And as every animated film Brad Bird has helmed thus far is nothing less than a masterpiece, I’m expecting pure perfection once more from Bob, Helen, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack’s next adventure.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Release date: December 16, 2016 Come on, do you really need me to tell you to go see this movie? The galaxy far, far away gets a lot bigger with its first Star Wars Story anthology film, which details the mission to steal the plans for the Death Star. With a murderer's row of talented actors, fronted by Felicity Jones as the badass Jyn Erso, Rogue One looks like it'll be a gritty, suicide mission the likes of which we haven't seen before in the Star Wars universe. Image: Disney/Lucasfilm

Lucasfilm marketing strikes again! A new standee is making its way to IMAX theaters to promote the release of December’s Rogue One. But what makes this standee stand out from the film’s previously released posters is the fact that it features some hidden messages—quotes spelled out in Aurebesh (the alphabet used in the Star Wars galaxy)—alongside each of the film’s characters…


Our friends over at have kindly shared translated versions of these quotes, a few of which will sound very familiar to longtime Star Wars fans…

K-2SO: “Beat back the rebels”

Chirrut ÃŽmwe: “Join the Empire”

Jyn Erso: “Submit to our will”

Cassian Andor: “All power to the Empire”

Baze Malbus: “Crush the Rebellion in one swift stroke” and “This station is the ultimate power in the universe”

Bohdi Rook: “There will be no one to stop us this time”


Assassin’s Creed

Oh, that Michael Fassbender. Is there any genre universe he hasn’t had a hand in? Westerns, superheroes, science-fiction, action, crime, and now…video games. The long-awaited Assassin’s Creed will finally debut in theaters on December 21 (a.k.a. winter solstice). But will it be the first fully successful game adaptation? If the following featurette hosted by Fassy himself is any indication, it’s sure as hell gonna give it the ol’ college try!

[20th Century Fox]

Dashing Through the Snow


America’s shortest superstar comedian is getting into the holiday spirit. Diminutive motormouth Kevin Hart (pictured above in Ride Along 2) is in talks to play Santa Claus in Disney’s live-action Dashing Through the Snow. The film tells the story of a New York detective whose strained relationship with his son is saved by the magic of Saint Nick. Think Liar Liar and Elf with the volume cranked up, and you’ll have a pretty good idea of where this yuletide comedy is headed.

[The Hollywood Reporter]

Angel Has Fallen

London Has Fallen 03 06 16

Just call Gerard Butler Mr. Pick-Up, because he can’t resist things that are fallen! (Sorry.) The Scottish hunka man meat is returning for a third time to his role as Secret Service Agent Mike Banning in a sequel to Olympus Has Fallen and London Has Fallen (pictured above). This time around, however, the target isn’t just the U.S. President, but… wait for it… Banning himself. (Gasp!) As for the “angel” in the title, well, that’s just Secret Service talk for Air Force One.


Sing Pigs


Finally today, Illumination Entertainment is giving us a look at its upcoming anthropomorphic animated musical epic Sing, with a bunch of photos depicting each member of the film’s voice cast alongside his or her on-screen animal counterpart. At the bottom of this page, you can check out a gallery that includes actors Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, Seth MacFarlane, Tori Kelly, Taron Egerton and Nick Kroll, all of whom, as the title promises, do indeed sing in the film.


What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Disney/Pixar

Images: Disney/Pixar, Disney/Lucasfilm, Universal, Film District, Universal/Illumination Entertainment


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