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The Human Torch and Invisible Woman Show Off in International FANTASTIC FOUR Trailer

20th Century Fox released the international trailer for the Fantastic Four re-launch, and while it is almost exactly like the domestic one released back in January, there are some small additions that are too cool to ignore.

Before we get to that, the first difference between the two  is that the international trailer places “In 2015” where “From the producers of X-Men: Days of Future Past” was in the domestic trailer. International audiences don’t seem to have the need to be convinced that just because a superhero movie isn’t being made by Marvel/Disney, that it could still be good.

The biggest addition (I admit “biggest” is a relative term based on the actual amount of footage) is that towards the end of the trailer, Reed Richards (Miles Teller) is lying on the ground and we get a taste of him stretching out his arm. In the domestic trailer, the screen goes black and we get the Fantastic Four logo. In this new trailer, we finally get to see some action, as the Human Torch (Michael B. Jordan) in total Flame-On mode and the Invisible Woman (Kate Mara) wrapped in one of her force fields, fly straight through a mountain and into the air. Now, as to what that mountain did to deserve such a beating, we will have to wait and see until either a full trailer or the release of the movie. All the while, House of Cards‘ Reg E. Cathey provides darn near Xavierian scale cryptic narration.

Guardians of the Galaxy showed us that audiences are willing to accept something different; This film certainly seems to be going in another direction from the original 2005 film. Let’s hope that “different lightning” can strike twice.

Fantastic Four, directed by Josh Trank (Chronicle) will be out in theaters August 7th in RealD 3D.

What do you think? Was that enough to convince you to see the movie? Did the lack of The Thing bother you too? Or is 1:55 enough to turn you away?  Let me know on Twitter or in the comments below.

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