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Finally, Men Get THE HANDMAID’S TALE Adaptation They Deserve

At long last, someone has thought of the men. Life comes at you fast, and hindsight is 20/20; sometimes we can be blind to the sea change happening around us. Like a frog realizing they’re in a pot of boiling water just a little too late, so too, is the realization for the men of The Handman’s Tale, the made-for-men a-dude-tation of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, currently blowing minds with its brilliance over on Hulu. But for the folks at Funny or Die, the situation is much more dire: we need a safe space to explore the dark side of our inevitable, matriarchal dystopian future.

It’s scary when the world changes around you and you have no control over what comes next. Just imagine it: one day, you’re a regular ol’ dude, hanging out in your executive offices, surrounded by other equally titled men and then suddenly—WHABAM! You’re surrounded by an equal amount of men AND women. (I know.) Suddenly, the mood is different, the vibe has changed: conversation points once deemed “NICE!” by your fellow colleagues now receives eye-rolls from half the room. A joke that would normally receive a high-five is met with glares.

Admit it: you’re scared. It’s OK, dudes: this is a tale of one man who refuses to be triggered:

Obviously—obviously—this is all a joke. A tongue-in-cheek look at how some—ahem—men interpret the demand for equality women are making on society as an all-out takedown. Of course it’s unsettling for those who’ve long held dominion over how our society works to have to share that privilege with those previously ignored. It’s just that some (SOME!) of y’all could just maybe be a bit less baby-ish about it, that’s all.

Of course, if this clip emboldens women to say enough is enough and upend the government, you can’t say we didn’t warn you. We did.

What do you think of the sketch? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credit: Funny or Die

Alicia Lutes is the managing editor of Nerdist, creator and co-host of Fangirling, and can be found on Twitter (if you’re into that sort of thing)!

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