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The Funniest People You Should Be Following for Debate Coverage

Watching the debates are a great way to get informed (and sometimes misinformed) by our Presidential candidates. But even the most heated debates can get a little boring. Thankfully, that’s where Twitter comes in. Even if you already read your Twitter timeline during debate questions, chances are you may not be following these hilarious accounts. No matter which way you swing politically, you will surely get a good laugh. Do yourself a favor and follow my picks for laugh out loud debate coverage.

1.) Top Conservative Cat – @teapartycat – This parody account provides often times minute by minute coverage in the best kind of tongue in cheek way. As this cat’s bio states, “I was never a Reagan Democrat– I’ve always been a Colbert Conservative,” he tweets in a Colbert-esque manner and you can tell whomever’s behind this account is extremely sharp and politically aware. I haven’t found another account like it.

2.) Aaron Blitzstein – @BlitznBeans – Aaron is a comedy writing king and frankly made me laugh harder than anyone else during the last debate. Instead of taking sides, he spent the town hall debate tweeting for over an hour almost exclusively about Jeremy, the college kid who was worried about finding a job. His offbeat humor is a must follow.

3.) Jenny Johnson – @JennyJohnsonHi5 – Most of you know Jenny for her raunchy yet dead on humor and this is exactly what she brings to the debates. She won’t bore you with traditional political jokes, but she will keep to her signature comedic style. Sample tweet from the last debate: “I’ll vote for which ever one promises handjobs to recent college graduates.”

4.) Veep Joe Biden – @VeepJoeBiden – This is a Joe Biden parody account and whether you are a fan or not of the real Joe Biden, it’s hard not to laugh at his portrayal as a slap-happy narcissist. I imagine even the real Biden laughing at this account. You know, before he calls it malarkey.

5.) Rex Huppke – @RexHuppke – Rex is a journalist and is refreshingly funny with his own twist. He is no dummy, and his tweets are smart and offbeat. Sample tweet from the last debate: “MSNBC: Obama creamed him! Fox News: Romney creamed him! CNN: Here’s the debate as seen through a hologram of Wolf Blitzer’s beard.”

And that’s my list. I will also be live-tweeting the debate if you want another person to follow. Although, I can’t promise recent handjobs to college graduates.





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