Throughout the entire second season of The Flash, the title character has been menaced by Zoom, an evil speedster from an alternate Earth. This Tuesday, May 24, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Zoom (Teddy Sears) are going to have their final confrontation. And if the clips in this video are any indication, then it’s going to be a literal race to the finish!
Ahead of the second season finale, The CW has unleashed a new reel for The Flash, with VFX Supervisor Armen Kevorkian hosting the segment as he explains a few of the more memorable special-effects shots from the last few episodes. Those include Kevorkian’s directorial debut on The Flash, where he jokingly says that he only pretended to know what he was doing.
Tony Todd’s nightmarish Zoom voice is heard in a clip from the season finale as he reminds us that he may really be the fastest man alive, even after Barry got his powers back. The video also offers a look at the special effects behind Rupture’s scythe, Barry’s “death” in the second particle accelerator explosion, and the extensive greenscreen work that went into creating Barry’s exile in the speed force.
The video also has a bit of fun with its subject matter, as it dubs the zombified Girder as “iGirder,” an overt reference to iZombie, The Flash’s companion series on Tuesday nights.
What did you think about The Flash’s new VFX reel? Are you excited for the season finale? Let us know in the comment section below!
Image: DC Entertainment/The CW