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First Look at Kid Flash in THE FLASH Season 3

Ever since Keiynan Lonsdale joined The Flash as Wally West during the second season, fans have wondered how long it would take for the series to turn him into Kid Flash. And apparently, it won’t take long at all!

The CW has revealed that Wally will be Kid Flash in the season three premiere, according to Comic Book Resources. As previously revealed by series star Grant Gustin, the third season premiere will be entitled “Flashpoint,” and will deal with the fallout of Barry Allen’s decision to change the past by saving his mother’s life. There’s no guarantee that Barry is the Flash in this timeline, but Wally will apparently be in a costume that greatly resembles his comic book counterpart’s outfit.

Wally West as Kid Flash on The Flash Season 3

It’s not clear how long the Flashpoint storyline will run this season. The original Flashpoint miniseries found Barry Allen powerless in a world that darkly re-imagined several of DC’s heroes. This story could easily be a season-long arc, or could perhaps last just a few episodes. That may also mean that Wally’s time as a Flash could be brief.

That said, the seeds of Wally’s connection to the Speed Force were placed last season when he and Jesse Chambers (Earth-2 Harrison Wells’ daughter) were struck by lightning during the attempt to give Barry his powers back. Neither Wally nor Jesse have demonstrated speed powers…yet. But we’d be very surprised if the show’s creative team went through the trouble of creating a Kid Flash costume for Wally without having long-term plans for his heroic alter ego.

We should learn more about the Flashpoint story at The Flash panel during Comic-Con next week. The Flash season 3 will premiere on Tuesday, October 4.

Image: The CW/DC Entertainment

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