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THE FLASH Runs for His Life in an Extended Season Finale Trailer

Last week on The Flash, Barry Allen was feeling pretty invincible…right up until the moment that Zoom proved that he could still strike at Barry’s heart. This week, Barry and Zoom are gonna have a showdown in the second season finale!

Naturally, there are some spoilers for the finale in the CW’s extended trailer. Among the details are a reconciliation between Barry and Wally, now that Wally knows about Barry’s secret identity. It’s also clear what Zoom’s new plan is, and how he manages to blackmail Barry into racing him one last time. There’s more than just Barry’s Earth on the line in this one. The trailer doesn’t indicate whether Wally or Jesse gained super speed from their recent exposure to the Particle Accelerator explosion, but we wouldn’t bet against it!

Now that we’re nearing the end of Zoom’s storyline, it’s time to look ahead at The Flash season 3. The first two seasons have already used the mentor-turned-greatest-enemy trope for the Reverse-Flash and Zoom, so that’s the first thing that needs to change for year 3.

But who could possibly fill that void? There are few of the Flash’s rogues who haven’t appeared on the series yet. And there’s actually an enemy who was hinted in the pilot episode. Remember the newspaper headline that said Flash vanished in a crisis? In DC’s comic book universe, the Anti-Monitor was behind the Crisis that took Barry Allen’s life. Given the Flash’s recent adventures in the multi-verse, the Anti-Monitor may be the perfect choice to up the stakes for the series. While there may be a temptation to save the Anti-Monitor for the final season of the series, he’s also a good fit as the villain for the upcoming four-way crossover with Arrow, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow.

If not the Anti-Monitor, there is another name in the Flash’s history who has “big bad” potential: Cobalt Blue, a character who just so happens to be an exact twin of Barry Allen with the ability to siphon off Barry’s speed. It’s been a while since Cobalt Blue has been used in the comic, and using him on the show would allow us to see if Grant Gustin can pull off evil as well as he channels heroism as the Flash.

Who do you think the Flash’s next main villain should be? Escape the speed force and share your thoughts below!

With Geoff Johns now in charge of the movies, what can we expect from the DCEU?

Image: DC Entertainment/The CW

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